Piezoresistor Design and Applications, JC Doll and BL Pruitt, Springer 2013.
Book Chapters
AA Kim, AL Nekimken, S Fechner, LE O'Brien, BL Pruitt, Microfluidics for Mechanobiology of Model Organisms, book chapter 12 in Methods in Cell Biology, 2018. Chapter 12, p. 217-259.
AJS Ribeiro, RE Wilson, BL Pruitt, Engineered Mechanical Factors to Mature Pluripotent Stem Cell-deriverd Cardiomyocytes, in Engineering Stem Cells for Tissue Regeneration. 2016, World Scientific. p. 77-104.
K.L. Lamers and B.L. Pruitt, "The MEMS Design Process", in Handbook of MEMS Materials and Processes, Springer 2011.
R.E. Taylor*, V. Mukundan* and B.L. Pruitt, "Tools for studying biomechanical interactions in cells", in Mechanobiology of Cell-Cell and Cell-Matrix Interactions Handbook, Springer 2011.
J.C. Doll, S.-J. Park, A.J. Rastegar, N. Harjee, J.R. Mallon Jr., G. Hill, A.A. Barlian and B.L. Pruitt, "Force sensing optimization and applications ", book chapter in Advanced Materials and Technologies for Micro/Nano-Devices, Sensors and Actuators, Springer 2010.
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
Parmar, Toshi, Liam P. Dow, Beth L. Pruitt, and M. Cristina Marchetti. “Spontaneous and Induced Oscillations in Confined Epithelia.” PRX Life 3, no. 1 (January 2025): 013002.
Lane, Kerry V., Liam P. Dow, Erica A. Castillo, Rémi Boros, Samuel D. Feinstein, Gaspard Pardon, and Beth L. Pruitt. “Cell Architecture and Dynamics of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) on Hydrogels with Spatially Patterned Laminin and N-Cadherin.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 17, no. 1 (January 8, 2025): 174–86.
Gionet-Gonzales, M., Gathman, G., Rosas, J. et al. Stress relaxation rates of myocardium from failing and non-failing hearts. Biomech Model Mechanobiol (2024).
S. Lee, A.S. Vander Roest, C.A. Blair, K. Kao, S.B. Bremner, M.C. Childers, D. Pathak, P. Heinrich, D. Lee, O. Chirikian, S.E. Mohran, B. Roberts, J.E. Smith, J.W. Jahng, D.T. Paik, J.C. Wu, R.N. Gunawardane, K.M. Ruppel, D.L. Mack, B.L. Pruitt, M. Regnier, S.M. Wu, J.A. Spudich, & D. Bernstein, Incomplete-penetrant hypertrophic cardiomyopathy MYH7 G256E mutation causes hypercontractility and elevated mitochondrial respiration, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 121 (19) e2318413121, (2024).
Dow, L.P., Surace, S., Morozov, K. et al. Cyclic stretch regulates epithelial cell migration in a frequency dependent manner via intercellular vinculin recruitment. npj Biol. Phys. Mech. 1, 2 (2024).
Pardon, G., Vander Roest, A.S., Chirikian, O. et al. Tracking single hiPSC-derived cardiomyocyte contractile function using CONTRAX an efficient pipeline for traction force measurement. Nat Commun 15, 5427 (2024).
Denisin, A.K., Kim, H., Riedel-Kruse, I.H. et al. Field Guide to Traction Force Microscopy. Cel. Mol. Bioeng. (2024).
Dow, L. P., Parmar, T., Marchetti, M. C., & Pruitt, B. L. (2023). Engineering tools for quantifying and manipulating forces in epithelia. Biophysics Reviews, 4(2).
Beth L. Pruitt, Naomi C. Chesler, Rena Seltzer, Omolola Eniola-Adefeso, Susan S. Margulies, Maritza Salazar Campo, Scott I. Simon, Michele J. Grimm, Sarah Mandell, Andrew Alleyne, Jennifer L. West, & Tejal A. Desai. Insights from an AIMBE Workshop: Diversifying Paths to Academic Leadership. Biomed Eng Education (2023).
Dow, Liam P., Guido Gaietta, Yair Kaufman, Mark F. Swift, Moara Lemos, Kerry Lane, Matthew Hopcroft, Armel Bezault, Cécile Sauvanet, Niels Volkmann, Beth L. Pruitt, and Dorit Hanein. 2022. “Morphological Control Enables Nanometer-Scale Dissection of Cell-Cell Signaling Complexes.” Nature Communications 2022 13:1 13(1):1–12.
Chirikian, O., Feinstein, S. D., Faynus, M. A., Kim, A. A., Lane, K. V., Torres, G. V., . . . Pruitt, B. L. (2022). The effects of xeno-free cryopreservation on the contractile properties of human iPSC derived cardiomyocytes.. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, 168, 107-114. 10.1016/j.yjmcc.2022.04.010
R.S. Lach, C. Qiu, E.Z. Kajbaf, N. Baxter, D. Han, A. Wang, H. Lock, O. Chirikian, B.L. Pruitt and M.Z. Wilson, Nucleation of the destruction complex on the centrosome accelerates degradation of β-catenin and regulates Wnt signal transmission. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2022. 119(36): p. e2204688119. 10.1073/pnas.2204688119
A.A. Kim, A. Nguyen, M. Marchetti, X. Du, D.J. Montell, B.L. Pruitt and L.E. O'Brien, Independently paced Ca2+ oscillations in progenitor and differentiated cells in an ex vivo epithelial organ. Journal of Cell Science, 2022. 135(14): p. jcs260249. 10.1242/jcs.260249
K. Billiar, D. P. Gaver, K. Barbee, A. Singh, J. D. DesJardins, B.L. Pruitt, J. Tranquillo, G. Gaudette, B. Winkelstein, L. Makowski, J. R. Amos, A. Saterbak, J. LeDoux, B. Helmke, M. Grimm, P. Benkeser, L. D. Segan, B. Pfister, D. Meaney, T. Arinzeh and S. Margulies, Learning Environments and Evidence-Based Practices in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering. Biomedical Engineering Education, 2022. 10.1007/s43683-021-00062-z
Wilson, R. E., Denisin, A. K., Dunn, A. R., & Pruitt, B. L. (2021). 3D Microwell Platforms for Control of Single Cell 3D Geometry and Intracellular Organization. Cellular and molecular bioengineering,14(1), 1-14.10.1007/s12195-020-00646-9
Chirikian, O., Goodyer, W. R., Dzilic, E., Serpooshan, V., Buikema, J. W., McKeithan, W., . . . Wu, S. M.(2021). CRISPR/Cas9-based targeting of fluorescent reporters to human iPSCs to isolate atrial and ventricular-specific cardiomyocytes.. Scientific reports, 11(1), 3026. 10.1038/s41598-021-81860-x
Hart, K. C., Sim, J. Y., Hopcroft, M. A., Cohen, D. J., Tan, J., Nelson, W. J., & Pruitt, B. L. (2021). Correction to: An Easy-to-Fabricate Cell Stretcher Reveals Density-Dependent Mechanical Regulation of Collective Cell Movements in Epithelia.. Cellular and molecular bioengineering, 14(6), 661-662. 10.1007/s12195-021-00695-8
A.A. Kim, E. Castillo, K. Lane, G. Villalpando Torres, O. Chirikian, R. Wilson, S. Lance, G. Pardon,and B.L. Pruitt, Wafer-Scale Patterning of Protein Templates for Hydrogel Fabrication. Micromachines, 2021. 12(11).
A. Chang, G. Pardon, A. Chang, H. Wu, S.-G.Ong, A Eguchi, S. Ancel, C. Holbrook, J. Ramunas, A.J.S. Ribeiro, E. LaGory, H. Wang, K. Koleckar, A. Giaccia, D. Mack, M. Childers, C. Denning, J. Day, J. Wu, B.L. Pruitt, and H. Blau, Increased tissue stiffness triggers contractile dysfunction and telomere shortening in dystrophic cardiomyocytes. Stem Cell Reports, 2021. 16(9): p. 2169-2181. PMID: 34019816. DOI: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2021.04.018
A.S. Vander Roest, C. Liu, M.M. Morck, K.B. Kooiker, G. Jung, D. Song, A. Dawood, A. Jhingran, G. Pardon, S. Ranjbarvaziri, G. Fajardo, M. Zhao, K.S. Campbell, B.L. Pruitt, J.A. Spudich, K.M. Ruppel, and D. Bernstein, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy beta-cardiac myosin mutation (P710R) leads to hypercontractility by disrupting super relaxed state. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021. 118(24): p. e2025030118.
K. C. Hart, J.Y. Sim, D.J. Cohen, J. Tan, M. A. Hopcroft, W. J. Nelson, and B. L. Pruitt, An Easy-to-Fabricate Cell Stretching System for Studying the Mechanical Regulation of Collective Cell Movements in Epithelia, bioRxiv, 2020: p. 2020.2008.2024.265629. 10.1101/2020.08.24.265629
O. Chirikian, W. R. Goodyer, E. Dzilic, V. Serpooshan, J. W. Buikema, W. McKeithan, H. Wu, G. Li, S. Lee, M. Merk, F. Galdos, A. Beck, A. J. S. Ribeiro, S. Paige, M. Mercola, J. C. Wu, B. L. Pruitt and S. M. Wu, CRISPR/Cas9-based targeting of fluorescent reporters to human iPSCs to isolate atrial and ventricular-specific cardiomyocytes. Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher Group), 2021. 11(1).
R. E. Wilson, A. K. Denisin, A. R. Dunn and B. L. Pruitt, 3D Microwell Platforms for Control of Single Cell 3D Geometry and Intracellular Organization. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, 2020. 10.1007/s12195-020-00646-9
A. L. Nekimken, B. L. Pruitt and M. B. Goodman, Touch-induced Mechanical Strain in Somatosensory Neurons is Independent of Extracellular Matrix Mutations in C. elegans. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2020: p. mbc.E20-01-0049. 10.1091/mbc.E20-01-0049
A. Dainis, K. Zaleta-Rivera, A. Ribeiro, A. C. H. Chang, C. Shang, F. Lan, P. W. Burridge, W. R. Liu, J. C. Wu, A. C. Y. Chang, B. L. Pruitt, M. Wheeler and E. A. Ashley, Silencing of MYH7 ameliorates disease phenotypes in human iPSC-Cardiomyocytes. Physiological Genomics, 2020: p. (published online). 10.1152/physiolgenomics.00021.2020
M.A. Garcia, E. Sadeghipour, L. Engel, W. J. Nelson, and B. L. Pruitt, MEMS Device for Applying Shear and Tension to an Epithelium combined with Fluorescent Live Cell Imaging, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2020.
D. Mohammed, G. Pardon, M. Versaevel, C. Bruyère, L. Alaimo, M. Luciano, E. Vercruysse, B. L. Pruitt and S. Gabriele, Producing Collagen Micro-stripes with Aligned Fibers for Cell Migration Assays. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, 2020. 13(1): p. 87-98.
H. Peng, R. E. Borg, L. P. Dow, B. L. Pruitt and I. A. Chen, Controlled phage therapy by photothermal ablation of specific bacterial species using gold nanorods targeted by chimeric phages. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020. 117(4): p. 1951.
E. A. Castillo, K. V. Lane and B. L. Pruitt, Micromechanobiology: Focusing on the Cardiac Cell–Substrate Interface. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, 2020. 22(1): p. 257-284. 10.1146/annurev-bioeng-092019-034950
C. A. Blair and B. L. Pruitt, Mechanobiology Assays with Applications in Cardiomyocyte Biology and Cardiotoxicity. Adv Healthc Mater, 2020. 9(8): p. e1901656. 10.1002/adhm.201901656
A. Sanzeni, S. Katta, B. Petzold, B. L. Pruitt, M. B. Goodman and M. Vergassola, Somatosensory neurons integrate the geometry of skin deformation and mechanotransduction channels to shape touch sensing. eLife, 2019. 8: p. e43226.
L. Engel, G. Gaietta, L. P. Dow, M. F. Swif, G. Pardon, N. Volkmann, W. I. Weis, D. Hanein and B. L. Pruitt, Extracellular matrix micropatterning technology for whole cell cryogenic electron microscopy studies. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2019. 29(11): p. 115018.
Schroer, A., Pardon, G., Castillo, E., Blair, C., Pruitt, B., Engineering hiPSC cardiomyocyte in vitro model systems for functional and structural assesment. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 2019., DOI:, PMID: 30579630.
K. Zaleta-Rivera, A. Dainis, A. J. S. Ribeiro, P. Cordero, G. Rubio, C. Shang, J. Liu, T. Finsterbach, V. N. Parikh, S. Sutton, K. Seo, N. Sinha, N. Jain, Y. Huang, R. J. Hajjar, M. A. Kay, D. Szczesna-Cordary, B. L. Pruitt, M. T. Wheeler and E. A. Ashley, Allele-Specific Silencing Ameliorates Restrictive Cardiomyopathy Attributable to a Human Myosin Regulatory Light Chain Mutation. Circulation, 2019. 140(9): p. 765-778.
S Fechner, F Loizeau, AL Nekimken, BL Pruitt, MB Goodman, The bodies of dpy-10 (e128) are twice as stiff as wild type, microPublication Biology, 2018
Huang, N. F., Serpooshan, V., Morris, V. B., Sayed, N., Pardon, G., Abilez, O. J., … Wu, J. C. (2018). Big bottlenecks in cardiovascular tissue engineering. Communications biology, 1, 199. DOI:10.1038/s42003-018-0202-8, PMID: 30480100.
Sadeghipour, E., Garcia, M.A., Nelson, W.J., and Pruitt, B.L., Shear-induced damped oscillations in an epithelium depend on actomyosin contraction and E-cadherin cell adhesion. eLife, 2018. 7: p. e39640. doi: 10.7554/eLife.39640, PMID: 30427775
O. L. Dibua, S. Ramsurrun, A. Mani, B. L. Pruitt, and G. Iaccarino, "Hierarchy of models for electrostatic comb-drive actuators in electrolytes," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 28, no. 12, p. 125013, 2018. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6439/aae9bb
H. Fehlauer, A. L. Nekimken, A. A. Kim, B. L. Pruitt, M. B. Goodman, and M. Krieg, "Using a Microfluidics Device for Mechanical Stimulation and High Resolution Imaging of C. elegans," JoVE, no. 132, p. e56530, 2018/02/19/ 2018. DOI: 10.3791/56530, PMID: 29553526.
Gross, P.-A., Jaramillo, T., and Pruitt, B., Cyclic-Voltammetry-Based Solid-State Gas Sensor for Methane and Other VOC Detection. Analytical Chemistry, 2018. DOI:, PMID: 29644861
Moeller J,* Denisin AK*, Sim JY, Wilson RE, Ribeiro AJS, Pruitt BL. Controlling cell shape on hydrogels using lift-off protein patterning. PLoS One. 2018 Jan 3;13(1): e0189901., PMID: 29298336 *authors contributed equally
E. A. Mazzochette, B. Huynh, F. Loizeau, J. Whitworth, A. L. Nekimken, M. B. Goodman and B. L. Pruitt, The tactile receptive fields of freely moving Caenorhabditis elegans nematodes. Integrative Biology, 2018. 10(8): p. 450-463. PMC6168290, DOI:10.1039/c8ib00045j
Nekimken AL, Mazzochette EA, Goodman MB, Pruitt BL. Forces applied during classical touch assays for Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS One. 2017 May 19;12(5):e0178080. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0178080, PMID: 28542494
L.M. Judge, J.A. Perez-Bermejo, A. Truong, A.J.S. Ribeiro, J.C. Yoo, C.L. Jensen, M.A. Mandegar, N. Huebsch, R.M. Kaake, P.-L. So, D. Srivastava, B.L. Pruitt, N.J. Krogan, and B.R. Conklin, "A BAG3 chaperone complex maintains cardiomyocyte function during proteotoxic stress," JCI Insight, Vol. 2, No. 14, 07/20/ 2017. DOI: 10.1172/jci.insight.94623, PMID: 28724793.C. Collins, A.K. Denisin, B.L. Pruitt, and W.J. Nelson, "Changes in E-cadherin rigidity sensing regulate cell adhesion," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 114, No. 29, pp. E5835, 2017. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1618676114, PMID: 28674019.
K.C. Hart*, J. Tan, K.A. Siemers, J.Y. Sim, B.L. Pruitt, W.J. Nelson, and M. Gloerich, "E-cadherin and LGN align epithelial cell divisions with tissue tension independently of cell shape," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 114, No. 29, pp. E5845, 2017. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1701703114, PMID: 28674014.
A.J.S. Ribeiro, O. Schwab, M.A. Mandegar, Y.-S. Ang, B. R. Conklin, D. Srivastava, B.L. Pruitt, Multi-Imaging Method to Assay the Contractile Mechanical Output of Micropatterned Human iPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes, Circulation Research, p. CIRCRESAHA.116.310363, Apr. 2017. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.116.310363, PMID: 28400398.
T. Larsen, J.C. Doll, F. Loizeau, N. Hosseini, A.W. Peng, G. Fantner, A.J. Ricci, B. L. Pruitt, Rise Time Reduction of Thermal Actuators Operated in Air and Water through Optimized Pre-Shaped Open-Loop Driving, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 27(4):045005 · April 2017, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6439/aa5fd2, PMID: 28989241
Adam L Nekimken, Holger Fehlauer, Anna A Kim, Sandra N Manosalvas-Kjono, Purim Ladpli, Farah Memon, Divya Gopisetty, Veronica Sanchez, Miriam B Goodman, Beth L Pruitt, Michael Krieg, "Pneumatic stimulation of C. elegans mechanoreceptor neurons in a microfluidic trap," Lab Chip, 2017, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/C6LC01165A, PMID: 28207921
Y.-S. Ang, R. N. Rivas, A. J. S. Ribeiro, R. Srivas, J. Rivera, N. R. Stone, K. Pratt, T. M. A. Mohamed, J.-D. Fu, C. I. Spencer, N. D. Tippens, M. Li, A. Narasimha, E. Radzinsky, A. J. Moon-Grady, H. Yu, B. L. Pruitt, M. P. Snyder, and D. Srivastava, "Disease Model of GATA4 Mutation Reveals Transcription Factor Cooperativity in Human Cardiogenesis," Cell, vol. 167, pp. 1734-1749.e22. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2016.11.033 . PMID: 27984724.
A.C. Chang, A.H. Mekhdjian, M. Morimatsu, A.K. Denisin, B.L. Pruitt, and A.R. Dunn, "Single Molecule Force Measurements in Living Cells Reveal a Minimally Tensioned Integrin State," ACS Nano, vol. 10, pp. 10745-10752, 2016/12/27 2016. DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b03314, PMID: 27779848
B. W. Benham-Pyle, J. Y. Sim, K. C. Hart, B. L. Pruitt, and W. J. Nelson, "Increasing β-catenin/Wnt3A activity levels drive mechanical strain-induced cell cycle progression through mitosis," eLife, vol. 5, p. e19799, 2016/10/26 2016. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.19799, PMID: 27782880.
B. M. Ogle, N. Bursac, I. Domian, N. F. Huang, P. Menasché, C. E. Murry, B. Pruitt, M. Radisic, J. C. Wu, S. M. Wu, J. Zhang, W.-H. Zimmermann, G. Vunjak-Novakovic, Distilling complexity to advance cardiac tissue engineering. Science Translational Medicine 8, 342ps313-342ps313 (2016); published online Epub2016-06-08 00:00:00 DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aad2304, PMID: 27280684.
A.K. Denisin and B.L. Pruitt, "Tuning the Range of Polyacrylamide Gel Stiffness for Mechanobiology Applications," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016/01/27 2016. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b09344 PMID:26816386
Pierre-Alexandre Gross, Tom Larsen, Frédéric Loizeau, Thomas F. Jaramillo, Denis Spitzer and Beth L. Pruitt, Microfabricated electrochemical gas sensor, Micro & Nano Letters, (2016), DOI: 10.1049/mnl.2016.0364.
G. Jung, G. Fajardo, A.J.S. Ribeiro, K. Bezold Kooiker, M. Coronado, M. Zhao, D-Q. Hu, S. Reddy, K. Kodo, K. Sriram, P.A. Insel, J.C. Wu, B.L. Pruitt, and D. Bernstein, "Time-dependent evolution and functional vs. remodeling signaling in iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes and induced maturation with biomechanical stimulation," FASEB Journal, 30, 1464-1479 (2016). DOI: 10.1096/fj.15-280982, PMID: 26675706.
G. Jung, G. Fajardo, A.J.S. Ribeiro, K. Bezold Kooiker., M. Coronado, M. Zhao, D-Q. Hu, S. Reddy, K. Kodo, K. Sriram, P.A. Insel, J.C. Wu, B.L. Pruitt, and D. Bernstein, "Time-dependent evolution and functional vs. remodeling signaling in iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes and induced maturation with biomechanical stimulation," The FASEB Journal; Published Online Before Print Dec 16 2015, DOI: 10.1096/fj.15-280982, PMID: 26675706
A. L. Eastwood, A. Sanzeni, B. C. Petzold, S.-J. Park, M. Vergassola, B. L. Pruitt, and M. B. Goodman., "Tissue mechanics govern the rapidly adapting and symmetrical response to touch", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U S A.; vol. 112 no. 50, online edition E6955, December 1, 2015, doi:10.1073/pnas.1514138112 PMID:26627717.
A.J.S. Ribeiro, Y.-S. Ang, J.-D. Fu, R.N. Rivas, T.M.A. Mohamed, G.C. Higgs, D. Srivastava, and B.L. Pruitt, "Contractility of single cardiomyocytes differentiated from pluripotent stem cells depends on physiological shape and substrate stiffness," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 112, No. 41, pp. 12705, October 13, 2015, doi:10.1073/pnas.1508073112 PMID: 26417073.
A.J.S. Ribeiro, A.K. Denisin, R.E. Wilson, and B.L. Pruitt, “For whom the cells pull: Hydrogel and micropost devices for measuring traction forces,” Methods 2015 Aug 8 [Epub ahead of print] DOI:10.1016/j.ymeth.2015.08.005, PMID: 26265073
A.J. Haemmerli, N. Harjee, M.Konig, A.G.F. Garcia, D.Goldhaber-Gordon, B.L. Pruitt, "Self-sensing cantilevers with integrated conductive coaxial tips for high-resolution electrical scanning probe metrology," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 118, No. 3, p. 034306, 2015. DOI:10.1063/1.4923231
B.W. Benham-Pyle, B.L. Pruitt, W.J. Nelson, "Mechanical strain induces E-cadherin–dependent Yap1 and β-catenin activation to drive cell cycle entry", Science, Vol. 348 no. 6238 pp. 1024-1027, 2015. doi: 10.1126/science.aaa4559, PMID: 26023140.
E.K. Paluch, C.M. Nelson, N. Biais, B. Fabry, J. Moeller, B.L. Pruitt, C. Wollnik, G. Kudryasheva, F. Rehfeldt, and W. Federle, "Mechanotransduction: use the force(s)," BMC biology, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 1, 2015. DOI: 10.1186/s12915-015-0150-4, PMID: 26141078.
J.Y. Sim, J. Moeller, K.C. Hart, D. Ramallo, V. Vogel, A.R. Dunn, W.J. Nelson, B.L. Pruitt, "Spatial Distribution of Cell-Cell and Cell-ECM Adhesions Regulates Force Balance while Maintaining E-cadherin Molecular Tension in Cell Pairs", Molecular Biology of the Cell, Vol. 26, No. 13, pp. 2456, July 1, 2015. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E14-12-1618 PMID: 25971797.
J.Y. Sim, R.E. Taylor, T. Larsen, B.L. Pruitt, "Oxidation Stiffening of PDMS Microposts", Extreme Mechanics Letters, vol 3, p17-23, (2015). doi: 10.1016/j.eml.2015.02.003
C.L. Roozeboom, B.E. Hill, V.A. Hong, C.H. Ahn, E.J. Ng, Y. Yang, T.W. Kenny, M.A. Hopcroft, B.L. Pruitt, "Multifunctional Integrated Sensors for Multiparameter Monitoring Applications,” Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol.24, no.4, pp.810-821, 2015. doi: 10.1109/JMEMS.2014.2349894
B.L. Pruitt, A.R. Dunn, W.I. Weis, W.J. Nelson, Mechano-Transduction: From Molecules to Tissues. PLoS Biol 12, e1001996 (2014). doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001996 PMID: 25405923
C.L. Roozeboom, B.E. Hill, V.A. Hong, C.H. Ahn, E.J. Ng, Y. Yang, T.W. Kenny, M.A. Hopcroft, B.L. Pruitt, "Multifunctional Integrated Sensors for Multiparameter Monitoring Applications,” Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol.PP, no.99, pp.1, 2014. doi: 10.1109/JMEMS.2014.2349894
A.J.S. Ribeiro, K. Zaleta-Rivera, E.A. Ashley, and B.L. Pruitt, " Stable, covalent attachment of laminin to microposts improves the contractility of mouse neonatal cardiomyocytes". ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014. Sep 10; 6 (17): 15516-15526. PMID: 25133578, doi: 10.1021/am5042324
Y. Yang, E.Y. Ma, Y.-T. Cui, A. Haemmerli, K. Lai, W. Kundhikanjana, N. Harjee, B.L. Pruitt, M. Kelly, and Z.-X. Shen, Shielded piezoresistive cantilever probes for nanoscale topography and electrical imaging. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2014. 24(4): p. 045026. doi:10.1088/0960-1317/24/4/045026
R.E. Taylor, C.M. Boyce, M.C. Boyce, B.L. Pruitt, "Planar patterned stretchable electrode arrays based on flexible printed circuits", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 23(10), 105004, 2013. DOI:10.1088/0960-1317/23/10/105004, PMID: 24244075 *Article chosen for IOP Select Distribution due to its novelty, significance and potential impact on future research.
C. Chung, B.L. Pruitt, S.C. Heilshorn, "Spontaneous cardiomyocyte differentiation of mouse embryoid bodies regulated by hydrogel crosslink density", Biomaterials Science, vol. 1(10), pp. 1082-1090, 2013.DOI:10.1039/C3BM60139K PMID: 24748962
G.C. Higgs, C.S. Simmons, Y. Gao, A.T. Fried, S.-J. Park, C. Chung, B.L. Pruitt, "MEMS-based shear characterization of soft hydrated samples", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 23(8), 085001, 2013. DOI:10.1088/0960-1317/23/8/085001, PMID: 24187440
A.J. Rastegar, M. Vosgueritchian, J.C. Doll, J.R. Mallon, B.L. Pruitt, “Nanomechanical Actuation of a Silicon Cantilever Using an Azo Dye, Self-Assembled Monolayer”, Langmuir, vol. 29(23) pp. 6779-7178, 2013. DOI:10.1021/la3034676, PMID: 23663108
C.L. Roozeboom, M.A. Hopcroft, W.S. Smith, J.Y. Sim, D. Wickeraad, P.G. Hartwell, B.L. Pruitt, “Integrated Multifunctional Environmental Sensors”, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 22(3), pp. 779-793, 2013. DOI:10.1109/JMEMS.2013.2245400 *Most downloaded paper, July 2013.
B.C. Petzold, S.-J. Park, E.A. Mazzochette, M.B. Goodman, B.L. Pruitt, "MEMS-based force-clamp analysis of the role of body stiffness in C. elegans touch sensation", Integrative Biology, vol. 5(6), pp. 853-864, 2013. DOI:10.1039/C3IB20293C, PMID: 23598612
M. Koenig, M. Baenninger, A.G.F. Garcia, N. Harjee, B.L. Pruitt, C. Ames, P. Leubner, C. Bruene, H. Buhmann, L.W. Molenkamp, D. Goldhaber-Gordon, "Spatially Resolved Study of Backscattering in the Quantum Spin Hall State", Physical Review X, vol. 3, 021003, 2013. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevX.3.021003
I. Schoen, B.L. Pruitt, V. Vogel, "The Yin-Yang of Rigidity Sensing: How Forces and Mechanical Properties Regulate the Cellular Response to Materials", Annual Review of Materials Research, vol. 43, pp. 589–618, 2013. DOI:10.1146/annurev-matsci-062910-100407
N.F. Huang, E.S. Lai, A.J. Ribeiro, S. Pan, B.L. Pruitt, G.G. Fuller, J.P. Cooke, "Spatial patterning of endothelium modulates cell morphology, adhesiveness and transcriptional signature", Biomaterials, vol. 34(12), pp. 2928-2937, 2013. DOI:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2013.01.017, PMID: 23357369
F. Lan, A.S. Lee, P. Liang, V. Sanchez-Freire, P.K. Nguyen, L. Wang, L. Han, M. Yen, Y. Wang, N. Sun, O.J. Abilez, S. Hu, A.D. Ebert, E.G. Navarrete, C.S. Simmons, M. Wheeler, B.L. Pruitt, R. Lewis, Y. Yamaguchi, E.A. Ashley, D.M. Bers, R.C. Robbins, M.T. Longaker, J.C. Wu, "Abnormal Calcium Handling Properties Underlie Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Pathology in Patient-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells", Cell Stem Cell, vol. 12(1), pp. 101-113, 2013. DOI:10.1016/j.stem.2012.10.010, PMID: 23290139
C.S. Simmons, A.J.S. Ribeiro, B.L. Pruitt, "Formation of composite polyacrylamide and silicone substrates for independent control of stiffness and strain", Lab Chip, vol. 13(4), pp. 646-649, 2013. DOI:10.1039/c2lc41110e, PMID: 23287818
R. Taylor, K. Kim, N. Sun, S-J. Park, J.Y. Sim, G. Fajardo, D. Bernstein, J.C. Wu, B.L. Pruitt, " Sacrificial layer technique for axial force post assay of immature cardiomyocytes", Biomedical Microdevices, vol. 15(1), pp 171-181, 2013. DOI:10.1007/s10544-012-9710-3, PMID: 23007494
V. Mukundan, W.J. Nelson, B.L. Pruitt, "Microactuator device for integrated measurement of epithelium mechanics", Biomedical Microdevices, vol. 15(1), pp. 117-123, 2013. DOI:10.1007/s10544-012-9693-0, PMID: 22927158
J.C. Doll, A.W. Peng, A.J. Ricci, B.L. Pruitt, "Faster than the Speed of Hearing: Nanomechanical Force Probes Enable the Electromechanical Observation of Cochlear Hair Cells," Nano Letters, vol. 12(12), pp. 6107-6111, 2013/01/20 2012. DOI:10.1021/nl3036349, PMID: 23181721
C. Chung, E. Anderson, R. Reijo Pera , B.L. Pruitt, S.C. Heilshorn, "Hydrogel crosslinking density regulates temporal contractility of human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes in 3D cultures", Soft Matter, vol. 8(39), pp. 10141-10148, 2012. DOI:10.1039/C2SM26082D, PMID: 23226161
J.C. Doll, B.L. Pruitt, "High bandwidth piezoresistive force probes with integrated thermal actuation", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 22(9), 095012, 2012. DOI:10.1088/0960-1317/22/9/095012, PMID: 23175616
N. Borghi, M. Sorokina, O.G. Shcherbakova, W.I. Weis, B.L. Pruitt, W.J. Nelson, A.R. Dunn, "E-cadherin is under constitutive actomyosin-generated tension that is increased at cell-cell contacts upon externally applied stretch", PNAS, vol. 109(31), pp. 12568-12573, 2012. DOI:10.1073/pnas.1204390109, PMID: 22802638
C.S. Simmons, B.C. Petzold, B.L. Pruitt, "Microsystems for biomimetic stimulation of cardiac cells", Lab on a Chip, vol. 12(18), pp. 3235-3248, 2012. DOI:10.1039/c2lc40308k, PMID: 22782590
A.J. Haemmerli, R.T. Nielsen, W. Kundhikanjana, N. Harjee, D. Goldhaber-Gordon, Z.X. Shen, B.L. Pruitt, "Low-Impedance Shielded Tip Piezoresistive Probe Enables Portable Microwave Impedance Microscopy", Micro & Nano Letters, vol. 7(4), pp. 321–324, 2012. DOI:10.1049/mnl.2011.0679
L. Hazeltine, C.S. Simmons, M. Salick, X. Lian, M. Badur, W. Han, S. Delgado, T. Wakatsuki, W. Crone, B.L. Pruitt, S.P. Palecek, "Effects of substrate mechanics on contractility of cardiomyocytes generated from human pluripotent stem cells", International Journal of Cell Biology, vol. 2012, 508294, 2012. DOI:10.1155/2012/508294, PMID: 22649451
S.L. Geffeney, J.G. Cueva, D.A. Glauser, J.C. Doll, T.H.-C. Lee, M. Montoya, S. Karania, A. Garakani, B.L. Pruitt, M.B. Goodman, "DEG/ENaC but not TRP channels are the major mechanoelectrical transduction channels in a C. elegans nociceptor", Neuron, vol. 71(5), pp. 845-857, 2011. DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2011.06.038, PMID: 21903078
G.C. Hill, J.I. Padovani, J.C. Doll, B.W. Chui, D. Rugar, H.J. Mamin, N. Harjee, B.L. Pruitt, "Patterned cracks improve yield in the release of compliant microdevices from silicon-on-insulator wafers", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 21(8), 087001, June 2011. DOI:10.1088/0960-1317/21/8/087001
J.C. Doll, E.A. Corbin, W.P. King, B.L. Pruitt, "Self-heating in piezoresistive cantilevers", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 98(22), 223103, 2011. DOI:10.1063/1.3595485, PMID: 21731884
K. Kim, R. Taylor, J.Y. Sim, S.-J. Park, J.J. Norman, G. Fajardo, D. Bernstein, B.L. Pruitt, "Calibrated micropost arrays for biomechanical characterization of cardiomyocytes", Micro and Nano Letters, vol. 6(5), pp. 317-322, 2011. DOI:10.1049/mnl.2011.0031
B.C. Petzold, S.-J. Park, P. Ponce, C. Roozeboom, C. Powell, M.B. Goodman, B.L. Pruitt, "Caenorhabditis elegans Body Mechanics Are Regulated by Body Wall Muscle Tone", Biophysical Journal, vol. 100(8), pp. 1977-1985, 2011. DOI:10.1016/j.bpj.2011.02.035, PMID: 21504734
P. Wei, R. Taylor, Z. Ding, C. Chung, O.J. Abilez, G. Higgs, B.L. Pruitt, B. Ziaie, "Stretchable microelectrode array using room-temperature-liquid alloy interconnects", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol.21(5),054015, 2011. DOI:10.1088/0960-1317/21/5/054015 PMID: 24244075
C.S. Simmons, J.Y. Sim, P. Baechtold, A. Gonzalez, C. Chung, N. Borghi, B.L. Pruitt, "Integrated strain array for cellular mechanobiology studies", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol.21(5), 054016, 2011.DOI:10.1088/0960-1317/21/5/054016, PMID: 21857773
S.-J. Park, B.C. Petzold, M.B. Goodman, B.L. Pruitt, "Piezoresistive cantilever force-clamp system", Review of Scientific Instruments, vol.82(4), 043703, 2011. DOI:10.1063/1.3574362, PMID: 21529009
K.L. Lamers, P. Chiang, R. Ruby, B.L. Pruitt, "Electrically addressable, liquid release well array for a hand-held, scent dispense System", Micro and Nano Letters, vol.6(1), pp. 37–38, 2011. DOI:10.1049/mnl.2010.0144
H. Kesari, J.C. Doll, B.L. Pruitt, W. Cai, A.J. Lew, "Role of surface roughness in hysteresis during adhesive elastic contact", Philosophical Magazine Letters, September 2010. Recognized as a highly commended paper of Philosophical Magazine and Philosophical Magazine Letters for the year 2010.
J.C. Doll and B.L. Pruitt, "Design of Piezoresistive vs. Piezoelectric Contact Mode Scanning Probes ", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 20, 095023, August 2010. Chosen as a one of the highlight papers of 2010.
J.C. Doll, B.C. Petzold, B. Ninan, R. Mullapudi, B.L. Pruitt, "Aluminum Nitride on Titanium for CMOS Compatible Piezoelectric Transducers," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 20, 025008, Feb 2010.
S.-J. Park, J.C. Doll, A.J. Rastegar, and B.L. Pruitt, "Piezoresistive cantilever performance, part II: optimization," Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 149 - 161, Feb. 2010.
S.-J. Park, J.C. Doll, and B.L. Pruitt, "Piezoresistive cantilever performance, part I: analytical model for sensitivity," Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 137 - 148, Feb. 2010.
A.A. Barlian, N. Harjee, and B. L. Pruitt, "Sidewall epitaxial piezoresistor process and characterization for in-plane force sensing applications," Micro and Nano Letters, Vo. 4, No. 4, pp. 204-209, 2009.
J.C. Doll, S.-J. Park, and B.L. Pruitt, "Design optimization of piezoresistive cantilevers for force sensing in air and water," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 106, Issue 6, pp 064310, September 2009. (Free Matlab design optimization code) - Selected for the Oct 5, 2009 issue of the Virtual Journal for Nanoscale Science & Technology. PMID: 19865512
V. Mukundan, P. Ponce, H.E. Butterfield, and B.L. Pruitt, "Modeling and Characterization of Electrostatic Comb-drive Actuators in Conducting Liquid Media," Journal Micromechanics and Microengineering, 19 065008 (9pp), 2009
J.C. Doll, N. Harjee, N. Klejwa, R. Kwon, S.M. Coulthard, B.C. Petzold, M.B. Goodman, and B.L. Pruitt, "SU-8 Force Sensing Pillar Arrays for Biological Measurements," Lab on a Chip, Vol. 9, pp 1449-1454, May 2009. PMID: 19417913
R. Taylor, J.J. Norman, C. Simmons, O.J. Abilez, C.K. Zarins, and B.L. Pruitt, " Nano and the Future of Endovascular Medicine," Endovascular Today, supp. pp 27-31, March 2009.
A.A. Barlian, W.-T. Park, J.R. Mallon, Jr., A.J. Rastegar, and B.L. Pruitt, " Semiconductor Piezoresistance for Microsystems," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 97, No. 3, pp. 513-552, March 2009.
V. Mukundan and B.L. Pruitt, "MEMS Electrostatic Actuation in Conducting Biological Media ," Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 405 - 413, April 2009.
H.C. Chiamori, J.W. Brown, E.V. Adhiprakasha, E.T. Hantsoo, J.B. Straalsund, N.A. Melosh, and B.L. Pruitt, "Suspension of nanoparticles in SU-8 and characterization of nanocomposite polymers," Microelectronics Journal, Vol. 39, pp. 228-236, 2008.
S.R. Lockery, K.J. Lawton, J.C. Doll, S. Faumont, S.M. Coulthard, T.R. Thiele, N. Chronis, K.E. McCormick, M.B. Goodman, and B.L. Pruitt, "Artificial dirt: Microfluidic substrates for nematode neurobiology and behavior," J Neurophysiol, Vol. 99, No. 6, pp. 3136-43, Jun 2008. PMID: 18337372
J.R. Mallon, Jr., A.J. Rastegar, A.A. Barlian, M.T. Meyer, T.H. Fung, and B.L. Pruitt, " Low 1/f noise, full bridge, microcantilever with longitudinal and transverse piezoresistors," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 92, No. 3, p. 033508, 2008. Selected for February 11, 2008 Issue, Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology
J.J. Norman, V. Mukundan, D. Bernstein, and B.L. Pruitt, "Microsystems for biomechanical measurements," Pediatr Res, Vol. 63, No. 5, pp. 576-83, May 2008.
A.A. Barlian, S.-J. Park, V. Mukundan, and B.L. Pruitt, "Design and characterization of microfabricated piezoresistive floating element-based shear stress sensors," Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 134, No. 1, pp. 77-87, 2007.
F. Cao, A.H. Sadrzadeh Rafie, O.J. Abilez, H. Wang, J.T. Blundo, B.L. Pruitt , C.K. Zarins , and J.C. Wu, "In vivo imaging and evaluation of different biomatrices for improvement of stem cell survival," J Tissue Eng Regen Med. , Vol. 1, No. 6, pp. 465-8, Nov-Dec 2007.
G.C. Hill, R. Melamud, F. Declercq, A.A. Davenport, I.H. Chan, P.G. Hartwell, and B.L. Pruitt, " SU-8 MEMS fabry-perot pressure sensor," Sensors and Actuators A (Physical), Vol. 138, pp. 52-62, 2007.
S.-J. Park, M.B. Goodman, and B.L. Pruitt, "Analysis of nematode mechanics by piezoresistive displacement clamp," PNAS, Vol. 104, pp. 17376-17381, 25 October 2007. AChem Review: Measuring a nematode with a piezoresistor.
X. Zhuang, A. Nikoozadeh, M.A. Beasley, Y. G, B.T. Khuri-Yakub, and B.L. Pruitt, "Characteristics of Parylene Coatings for CMUTs in a Harsh, Aqueous Environment," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 17, pp. 994-1001, 2007.
B.L. Pruitt, W.-T. Park, and T.W. Kenny, "Measurement system for low force and small displacement contacts," Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 220-229, 2004.
B.L. Pruitt and T.W. Kenny, "Piezoresistive Cantilevers and Measurement System for Characterizing Low Force Electrical Contacts," Sens. Actuators A, Phys., Sensors and Actuators A (Physical), Vol. 104, No. 1, pp. 68 - 77, 2003.
Peer Reviewed Conferences with Publications Proceedings
L.P. Dow, R. Kennedy, and Beth L. Pruitt, "Linear micropatterned epithelial model to study migratory effects of intercellular force transfer", MicroTas Annual Meeting, Oral Presentation (October 2021)
K.V. Lane, E. Castillo, R. Wilson, O. Chirikian, A. Denisin, and B.L. Pruitt, "Engineered Platforms to Investigate Effects of 3D Adhesions on hiPSC-CM Maturity", ISSCR Annual Meeting, Virtual, June 2020. (poster)
P.A. Gross, E. Sadeghipour, T.F. Jaramillo and B.L. Pruitt, "A Micro-Fabricated Electrochemical Gas Sensor", Proceedings of AIChE 2017, Minneapolis, Oct. 2017. (Oral presentation)
P.A. Gross, T. Larsen, F. Loizeau, T. Jaramillo, D. Spitzer, and B.L. Pruitt, "Micro-scale electrochemical gas sensor for selective detection of volatile pollutants," Proceedings of N. American Solid State Sensors and Actuators Workshop, Hilton Head, SC, 2016.
R.E. Wilson, A.J.S. Ribeiro, and B.L. Pruitt, "Analysis of Sarcomere Registration in Cardiomyocytes", Myofilament Meeting, Madison, WI, June 18-21, 2016. (poster)
A.L. Nekimken, E.A. Mazzochette, M.B. Goodman, and B.L. Pruitt. "Piezoresistive Cantilevers for Measuring Forces in a Classical Touch Test," International Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensing, Delft, Netherlands, June 22–24, 2016 (Oral Presentation).
R.E. Wilson, A.J.S. Ribeiro, and B.L. Pruitt, "The Effects of Stretch on N-cadherin in Stem Cell-derived Cardiomyocytes", Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, Oct. 2015. (oral presentation)
A.J.S. Ribeiro, Y-S. Ang, R.E. Wilson, R. Rivas, D. Srivastava, B.L. Pruitt, "Engineered Cardiomyocytes Derived From Human iPSCs to Model Myocardial Contractility", Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, Oct. 2015. (oral presentation)
A.J.S. Ribeiro, M. Mandegar, O. Schwab, E. Balandina, B.R. Conklin, B.L. Pruitt, "Myosin binding protein C downregulation and contractile defects of iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes", Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, Oct. 2015. (oral presentation)
F. Loizeau, S. Fechner, E. A. Mazzochette, A. L. Nekimken, A. Sanzeni, M. Vergassola, M. B. Goodman, and B. L. Pruitt, "Probing the viscoelasticity of the C. elegans body", Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, Oct. 2015.
F. Loizeau, E. Sadeghipour, T. Larsen, J. Y. Sim, C. Roozeboom, E. Mazzochette, and B. L. Pruitt, "Introducing Students to MEMS: A Practical Process for the Fabrication and Testing of Piezoresistive Cantilevers", American Vacuum Society International Symposium, San Jose, CA, Oct. 2015. (oral presentation)
S. N. Kjono*, P. Ladpli*, F. Memon*, A. L. Nekimken*, M. B. Goodman, M. Krieg, and B. L. Pruitt, "Microfluidic Device for Immobilization, Mechanical Stimulation, and Imaging of C. elegans Mechanobiology", MicroTAS International Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, Oct. 2015.
A. Ribeiro, Y.-S. Ang, J. Fu, R. Rivas, D. Srivastava, B.L. Pruitt, "Abstract 13443: Function follows form: Shape and substrate stiffness drive maturity in human cardiomyocytes differentiated from pluripotent stem cells," Circulation. 130 (2014) A13443. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions - Chicago, IL
C.L. Roozeboom, B.E. Hill, V.A. Hong, C.H. Ahn, E.J. Ng, Y. Yang, M.A. Hopcroft, B.L. Pruitt, “Multifunctional integrated sensor monitoring,” Hilton Head Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head, SC, 2014.
C.L. Roozeboom, V.A. Hong, C.H. Ahn, E.J. Ng, Y. Yang, B.E. Hill, M.A. Hopcroft, B.L. Pruitt, "Multifunctional integrated sensor in a 2x2 mm epitaxial sealed chip operating in a wireless sensor node", The 2014 IEEE 27th International Conference on MEMS (MEMS 2014), San Francisco, CA, January 2014. (36% acceptance rate)
Y. Yang, Y. Ma, A. Haemmerli, K. Lai, W. Kundhikanjana, N. Harjee, B. Pruitt, X. Li, M. Kelly, Z.-X. Shen, "Piezoresistive cantilever probes for simultaneous nanoscale topography and conductivity imaging", Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Taipei, January, 2013
A.J. Haemmerli, J.C. Doll, J. Provine, R.T. Howe, B.L. Pruitt, “Ultra-Thin Atomic Layer Deposition Films for Corrosion Resistance”, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2013), Barcelona, Spain, June 2013.
C.L. Roozeboom, J.F. Salgado, M.A. Hopcroft, B.L. Pruitt, “Integrated Sensor Cross-Sensitivity Analysis,” Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2013), Barcelona, Spain, June 2013.
B.L. Pruitt, J.C. Doll, S.J. Park, N. Harjee, and B.C. Petzold, "Microsystems AND Functional Assay for Mechanobiology", Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers2013), June 2013. (invited paper)
A.J. Haemmerli, M.A. Hopcroft, D. Goldhaber-Gordon, and B.L. Pruitt, "Fast Thin Film Mechanical Characterization for Silicon/Silicon Nitride Multimaterial Cantilever," Proceedings of NMC: 10th Annual Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensing, Stanford, CA, pp. 123-124, 2013.
M.R. Calvo, M. Koenig, M. Baenninger, N. Harjee, B.L. Pruitt, and D. Goldhaber-Gordon, "Scanning Gate Microscopy for the Study of Scattering in the Quantum Hall Effects," Proceedings of NMC: 10th Annual Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensing, Stanford, CA, pp. 195-196, 2013.
J.C. Doll and B.L. Pruitt, "MEMS force probes for cell mechanobiology at the microsecond scale ", Hilton Head Workshop, June 2012. (46% acceptance rate)
J.C. Doll, S.-J. Park, N. Harjee, B.C. Petzold, and B.L. Pruitt, "Piezoresistive Cantilevers for Biological Force Measurements", Proceedings of Nanomechanical Cantilever Workshop, Mumbai, India, June 2012. Pruitt invited talk.
J.Y. Sim, N. Borghi, A. Ribeiro, M. Sorokina, O. Shcherbakova, D. Ramallo, A. Dunn, W. J. Nelson, and B.L. Pruitt, "Uniaxial Cell Stretcher Enables High Resolution Live Cell Imaging" Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 25rd International Conference on MEMS, Paris, France, January 2012. (35% acceptance rate)
A. J. Haemmerli, R.T. Nielsen, W. Kundhikanjana, N. Harjee, K. Lai, Y.L. Yang, D.Goldhaber-Gordon, Z.X. Shen, B.L. Pruitt, "Low-Impedance Shielded Tip Piezoresistive Probe Enables Portable Microwave Impedance Microscopy", Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 25rd International Conference on MEMS, Paris, France, January 2012. (35% acceptance rate)
C.L. Roozeboom, J.Y. Sim, D. Wickeraad, B. Dura, W.S. Smith, M.A. Hopcroft, P.G. Hartwell, R.S. Williams, B.L. Pruitt, "Multi-Functional Integrated Sensors for the Environment," Proceedings of MEMS, Paris, France, January 2012. (5% oral acceptance rate)
R.E. Taylor, A. Ribeiro, G. Fajardo, H. Razavi, D. Bernstein, and B.L. Pruitt, " Micropost-based Functional Assay of Adult Heart Cells: Does Mechanosensing Limit Force Production?," Proceedings of MicroTAS, Seattle, WA, October 2011. (51% acceptance rate)
E.F. Martin, C. Chung, and B.L. Pruitt, "Characterization of Adhesion Proteins for Cell Mechanotransduction Assays," Proceedings of MicroTAS, Seattle, WA, October 2011. (51% acceptance rate)
J.Y. Sim, C. Simmons, N. Borghi, P. Baechtold, and B. L. Pruitt, "Parametric Analysis of Strain Effects on Cell-Cell Junctions," ASME Applied Mechanics and Materials Division Conference, Chicago, June, 2011.
E.F. Martin, C. Chung, J.Y. Sim, B.L. Pruitt, "Adhesion Proteins for Mechanotransduction Assays", Proceedings of Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Lucern, Switzerland, May 2011.
C. Chung, M. Marchand, B. Pruitt, S. Heilshorn, “Effects of crosslinking density on viability and maintenance of human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes in elastin-like hydrogels,” Proceedings of the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, April 2011.
C.S. Simmons, G. Lichtenstein, K. Storm, B.L. Pruitt, "Effects of Hands-On Research Experience and Supplementary Sessions on Confidence in Teaching STEM-Related Skills ," Proceedings of the 2011 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, In Press.
G.C. Hill, J.I. Padovani, B.W. Chui, H.J. Mamin, D. Rugar, N. Harjee, J.C. Doll, and B.L. Pruitt, "Patterned Cracks in the Buried Oxide Layer Improve Yield in Device Release from SOI Wafers," Proceedings of IEEE MEMS 2011, Jan. 2011, pp. 300-303. (39% acceptance rate)
S.-J. Park, J.C. Doll, N. Harjee, B.L. Pruitt, "Optimization with Process Limits and Application Requirements for Force Sensors ," Proceedings of 2010 IEEE Sensors, Waikoloa, HI, Nov. 2010, pp. 1946-1949. (invited paper)
G.C. Higgs, C.S. Simmons, A.F. Fried, B.L. Pruitt, "Microfabricated calibration tool for direct shear stiffness measurements with applications in cell mechanics ," Proceedings of 2010 IEEE Sensors, Waikoloa, HI, 2010. (26% oral presentation acceptance rate)
N. Harjee, A. Haemmerli, D. Goldhaber-Gordon, B.L. Pruitt, "Coaxial tip piezoresistive scanning probes with sub-nanometer vertical displacement resolution ," Proceedings of 2010 IEEE Sensors, Waikoloa, HI, Nov. 2010, pp. 1962-1966. (26% oral presentation acceptance rate)
J.Y. Sim, C. Simmons, P. Baechtold, N. Borghi, B.L. Pruitt, “Parametric analysis of cyclic strain effects on cell-cell adhesions ,” presented at Biomedical Engineering Society, Austin, TX, October 6-9,2010.
R.E. Taylor, K. Kim, and B.L. Pruitt, "Self-Assembling Single Cells Across Microposts: First Axial Force Measurements in Immature Cardiomyocytes," Proceedings of Solid State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head, SC, pp. 98-99, 2010. (11% oral presentations / 44% overall acceptance rate)
J.C. Doll, B.C. Petzold, M.B. Goodman, B.L. Pruitt, "Piezoresistive cantilevers optimized for kilohertz force sensing in aqueous solutions", Nanomechanical Cantilever Workshop, Banff, 2010.
N. Harjee, A.G.F. Garcia, M. König, J.C. Doll, D. Goldhaber-Gordon, and B.L. Pruitt, " Coaxial tip piezoresistive scanning probes for high-resolution electrical imaging," Proceedings of MEMS, Hong Kong SAR, China, Jan. 2010, pp. 344-347. (34% acceptance rate)
J.C. Doll, S.-J. Park, N. Harjee, A.J. Rastegar, J.R. Mallon, B.C. Petzold, G.C. Hill, A.A. Barlian, B.L. Pruitt, "Piezoresistive Cantilever Optimization and Applications", invited paper, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, 2009.
B.C. Petzold, S.-J. Park, P. Ponce, M.B. Goodman, B.L. Pruitt, "The Contribution of Body Wall Muscles to C. elegansBody Mechanics Determined Using Piezoresistive Microcantilevers," Proceedings of MicroTAS, Jeju, South Korea, 2009.
P. Bächtold*, C.S. Simmons*, J.Y. Sim, S. Haniff, and B.L. Pruitt, "Strain Array for Cell Culture," Proceedings of MicroTAS, Jeju, South Korea, 2009.
J.C. Doll, B.C. Petzold, B. Ninan, R. Mullapudi, B.L. Pruitt, "A High d33 CMOS Compatible Process for Aluminum Nitride on Titanium," Proceedings of Transducers, 2009.
J.C. Doll, B.C. Petzold, P. Ghale, M.B. Goodman, B.L. Pruitt, "High Frequency Force Sensing with Piezoresistive Cantilevers," Proceedings of Transducers, 2009.
J.C. Doll, S. Muntwyler, F. Beyeler, S. Geffeney, M.B. Goodman, B.J. Nelson, and B.L. Pruitt, " Measuring Thresholds for Touch Sensation in C. elegans", Proceedings of MEMS in Medicine and Biology, Quebec City, Canada, 2009. Best Abstract Award
V. Mukundan and B.L. Pruitt, "On-chip Micromechanical Testing System for Studying Cell Mechanics ," Proceedings of MEMS in Medicine and Biology, Quebec City, Canada, 2009.
S.-J. Park, B. Petzold, M.B. Goodman, and B.L. Pruitt, "Piezoresistive Cantilever-based Force clamp System for the Study of Mechanotransduction in C. elegans", Proceedings of MEMS, Sorrento, Italy, pp. 188-191, 2009. (33% acceptance rate)
R. Taylor, S.J. Lue, K. Gumerlock, G. Fajardo, G. Higgs, J.J. Norman, P. Wei, Z. Ding, B. Ziaie, D. Bernstein, E. Kuhl, and B.L. Pruitt, "Synchronized Mechanical and Electrical Stimulation of Primary Heart Cells with a Stretchable Microelectrode Array ," Proceedings of MEMS in Medicine and Biology, Quebec City, Canada, 2009.
P. Wei, R. Taylor, Z. Ding, G. Higgs, J.J. Norman, B.L. Pruitt, and B. Ziaie, "A Stretchable Cell Culture Platform with Embedded Electrode Array," Proceedings of MEMS, Sorrento, Italy, pp. 407-410, 2009. (33% acceptance rate)
A.A. Barlian, N. Harjee, V. Mukundan, T.H. Fung, S.J. Park, and B.L. Pruitt, "Sidewall epitaxial piezoresistor process for in-plane sensing applications" Proceedings of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, 2008. MEMS 2008. IEEE 21st International Conference on, pp. 331-334, 2008. (34% acceptance rate)
V. Mukundan, P. Ponce, H.E. Butterfield, and B.L. Pruitt, "Modeling and Experimental Validation of Electrostatic Actuation in Aqueous Ionic Media," Proceedings of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, MEMS 2008, pp. 467-470, 2008. (34% acceptance rate)
S.-J. Park, A.J. Rastegar, J.R.J. Mallon, A.A. Barlian, T.H. Fung, and B.L. Pruitt, "Ion Implanted Piezoresistive Cantilever Design and Performance ," Proceedings of Solid State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head, SC, pp. 98-101, 2008. (46% acceptance rate)
J. Blundo, O. Abilez, F. Cao, C. Zarins, J. Wu, B. L. Pruitt, "Mechanical Strain Promotes Organization and Contractility of Human Embryonic-Derived Cardiomyocytes in Engineered Myocardial Tissue," presented at the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Marco Island, FL, 2008.
J.T. Blundo, G. Chua, O.J. Abilez, Y.-L. Park, A.J. Rastegar, F. Cao, C.K. Zarins, J.C. Wu, and B.L. Pruitt, "Biomems platform for electromechanical stimulation of cell culture," Proceedings of ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Keystone, CO, 2007.
M.P. David, T. Khurana, C. Hidrovo, B.L. Pruitt, and K.E. Goodson, "A Vapor-venting, micromachined heat exchanger for electronics cooling," Proceedings of 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Seattle, Washington, pp. IMECE2007-42553, 2007.
J.C. Doll, N. Harjee, N. Klejwa, R. Kwon, S.M. Coulthard, and B.L. Pruitt, "Biological measurements of C. Elegans touch sensitivity with microfabricated force sensors," Proceedings of MicroTAS, Paris, FR, pp. 1107-1109, 2007. (61% acceptance rate)
N. Klejwa, N. Harjee, R. Kwon, S.M. Coulthard, and B.L. Pruitt, "Transparent SU-8 three-axis micro strain gauge force sensing pillar arrays for biological applications," Proceedings of Transducers 2007: International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference, Lyon, FR, pp. 2259 - 2262 2007. (44% acceptance rate)
T.L. Lamers, M. David, K. Goodson, K. Ishii, and B.L. Pruitt, " Application of a modified quality function deployment method for MEMS" Proceedings of 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Seattle, Washington, pp. IMECE2007-42374, 2007.
V. Mukundan and B.L. Pruitt, " Differential electrode design for electrostatic actuator in conducting media," Proceedings of TRANSDUCERS: International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference, 2007, Lyon, FR, pp. 1143-1146, 2007. (44% acceptance rate)
R. Taylor, O.J. Abilez, F. Cao, J.C. Wu, C. Xu, C. Zarins, and B.L. Pruitt, "Pulsatile pressure system for cellular mechanical stimulation ," Proceedings of ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Keystone, CO, 2007.
A.A. Barlian, G.T.A. Kovacs, R.T. Howe, and B.L. Pruitt, "Micro and Nano Scale Education at Stanford University ," Proceedings of Solid State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head, SC, pp. 38-43, 2006.
A.A. Barlian, R. Narain, J.T. Li, C.E. Quance, A.C. Ho, V. Mukundan, and B.L. Pruitt, " Piezoresistive MEMS Underwater Shear Stress Sensors," Proceedings of MEMS 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 626-629, 2006. (30% acceptance rate)
C.R. Buie, Y. Banin, T. Chuyang, J.G. Santiago, F.B. Prinz, and B.L. Pruitt, "A Microfabricated Direct Methanol Fuel Cell with Integrated Electroosmotic Pump," Proceedings of MEMS 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 938-941, 2006. (30% acceptance rate)
J.R. Mallon, Jr., A.A. Barlian, A.A. Davenport, P. Lim, and B.L. Pruitt, "Design of a Low Noise, Temperature Compensated, Piezoresistive Cantilever ," Proceedings of International Workshop of Nanomechanical Sensors, Copenhagen, pp. 4-5, 2006.
V. Mukundan and B.L. Pruitt, "Experimental Characterization of Frequency Dependent Electrostatic Actuator for Aqueous Media" Proceedings of Solid State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head, SC, pp. 167-171, 2006. (44% acceptance rate)
B.L. Pruitt, M.T.A. Saif, R. Ghodssi, K.L. Turner, J.W. Judy, and M.A. Schmidt, "NSF/NASA-GSFC MEMS Education Workshop Outcomes" Proceedings of Solid State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head, SC, pp. 44-47, 2006.
T.L. Bailey, A.T. Tung, and B.L. Pruitt, "Integration of K-12 Outreach with Design Projects in an Introductory Mechanical Engineering Course," Proceedings of 35th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Indianapolis, IN, pp. F4F1-6, 2005.
A.A. Barlian, S.-J. Park, V. Mukundan, and B.L. Pruitt, "Design, Fabrication and Characterization of Piezoresistive MEMS Shear Stress Sensors," Proceedings of ASME IMECE, Orlando, FL, p. paper 81849, 2005. Best Poster Award.
H.C. Chiamori, J.W. Brown, E.V. Adhiprakasha, E.T. Hantsoo, J.B. Straalsund, N.A. Melosh, and B.L. Pruitt, "Suspension of Nanoparticles in SU-8 and Characterization of Nanocomposite Polymers ," Proceedings of European NanoSystems, Paris, FR, 2005.
A. Davenport, P. Lim, and B.L. Pruitt, "Noise Studies in Implanted Piezoresistors," Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2005, Orlando, FL USA, p. paper 81590, 2005. (TY - CONF)
E.T. Hantsoo, V.B. Chial, Y. Zhao, K.C. Chan, K.A. Rose, K.S. Wu, and B.L. Pruitt, "Strain Transduction in Conductor-Modified Polymers ," Proceedings of Micro- and Nanosystems--Materials and Devices, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp., San Francisco, p. J3.6.1, 2005.
R. Melamud, A.A. Davenport, G.C. Hill, I.H. Chan, F. Declercq, P.G. Hartwell, and B.L. Pruitt, "Development of an SU-8 Fabry-Perot blood pressure sensor ," Proceedings of MEMS2005, Miami, FL, pp. 810-813, 2005. (30% acceptance rate)
S.-J. Park, M.B. Goodman, and B.L. Pruitt, "Measurement of mechanical properties of Caenorhabditis elegans with a piezoresistive microcantilever system ," Proceedings of 3rd IEEE/EMBS Microtechnology in Medicine and Biology, Turtle Bay, HI, pp. 400-403, 2005.
B.L. Pruitt, W.-T. Park, and T.W. Kenny, "Measurement System for Low Force and Small Displacement Contacts," Proceedings of Workshop on Solid State Sensors and Actuators, Hilton Head, SC, 2002. (38% acceptance rate)
B.L. Pruitt, D.-H. Choi, J. Florando, R. Martens, S. Wenzel, C. Reynolds, W.D. Nix, and T.W. Kenny, "Low force electrical contact measurements using piezoresistive cantilevers to characterize thin-film metallization," Proceedings of Transducers '01/EuroSensors XV: International Solid State Sensors and Actuators, Munich, Germany, pp. 1032-35, 2001.
M. Bartsch, A. Partridge, B.L. Pruitt, R. Full, and T. Kenny, "A Three-Axis Micromachined Force Sensor for Studying Cockroach Biomechanics," Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Orlando, pp. 443-448, 2000.
B.L. Pruitt, A. Partridge, M. Bartsch, Y. Liang, T.W. Kenny, S. Wenzel, and C. Reynolds, "Design of piezoresistive cantilevers for low force electrical contact measurements," Proceedings of International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Orlando, FL, pp. 183-8, 2000.
J.G. Cham, B.L. Pruitt, M.R. Cutkosky, M. Binnard, L.E. Weiss, and G. Neplotnik, "Layered Manufacturing with Embedded Components: Process Planning Considerations ," Proceedings of ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 1999.
K. Flack, B.L. Pruitt, and M. Callari, "Velocity Measurements in the Flow Around an Rotating End Mill," Proceedings of ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, pp. FEDSM98-4903, 1998.
B.L. Pruitt and D.A. Dornfeld, "Monitoring End Mill Contact Using Acoustic Emission," Proceedings of Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, Boston, MA, pp. 421-426, 1996.
Non-Archival Conference Abstracts and Presentations
Samuel Feinstein, Orlando Chirikian, Beth Pruitt. "Modeling Sex and Stress using Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Derived Cardiomyocytes", 2024, American Heart Association Basic Cardiovascular Science Scientific Sessions
B.L. Pruitt, et al., "Quantifying cell intrinsic mechanosignaling in hiPSC-cardiomyocytes in health and disease," 2023 Gordon Research Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Microfluidics, June 2023
B.L. Pruitt, et al., "Quantifying cell intrinsic mechanosignaling in hiPSC-cardiomyocytes in health and disease," 2023 Gordon Research Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Microfluidics, June 2023
B. L. Pruitt, et al., "MYH7 Mutations Induce Changes In Single Cell Mechanobiology", Biophysical Society 67th Annual Meeting, February 2023. (Oral presentation)
K.V. Lane, et al., "Dual-protein patterning to investigate effects of cell-cell adhesions on HIPSC-CM maturity", Biophysical Society 67th Annual Meeting, February 2023. (Oral presentation)
M. Gionet-Gonzales, et al., "Engineering viscoelastic alginate hydrogels for HIPSC cardiomyocyte culture", Biophysical Society 67th Annual Meeting, February 2023. (Oral presentation)
O. Chirikian, et al., "Hypercontractility by Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Mutant IPSC-CMs Induces Hippo-Yap Activation Through Enhanced Nuclear Deformation.", Biophysical Society 67th Annual Meeting, February 2023. (Poster)
M. Sanchez-Lozano, et al., "Stretch-activated nuclear yap localization in cardiomyocytes", Biophysical Society 67th Annual Meeting, February 2023. (Poster)
G. V. Torres, et al., "Measuring tension states of HIPSC-Cardiomyocytes via traction force microscopy", Biophysical Society 67th Annual Meeting, February 2023. (Poster)
S. D. Feinstein, et al., "Variability and sexual dimorphism in human induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes", Biophysical Society 67th Annual Meeting, February 2023. (Poster)
C. A. Blair, et al., "The Polyamine Spermidine Enhances the Contractile Force of μ-Patterned Single-Cell Stem-Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes Post Doxorubicin Treatment", American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions (October 2022).
O Chirikian, M Faynus, M Merk, Z Singh, C Muray, J Pham, BL Pruitt. "The Role of Yes Associated Protein (YAP) in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy" ISSCR Annual Meeting, Poster Presentation (June 2022)
L.P. Dow, A. Kim, K. Morozov, R. Kennedy, and B.L. Pruitt. "Collective mechanical signaling through cell-contacts", American Physical Society Annual Meeting, Oral Presentation (March 2022)
L.P. Dow*, K. Morozov*, A. Kim, Sam Feinstein, and B.L. Pruitt. "Using cell segmentation to understand how external forces propagate changes in cell morphology", BioEngineering Institute of California Symposium, Poster Presentation (August 2022).
JA Franco, A Das, B Pruitt, MB Goodman, An in vitro System for Studying Nematode Mechanosensory Neurons, 2020 Biophysical Society Meeting Abstract, Biophysical Journal 118 (3), 288a-289a
EA Castillo, K Lane, O Chirikian, S Feinstein, C Blair, A Schroer, G Pardon, S Heilshorn, BL Pruitt, Engineering the Microenvironment for Heart Muscle Cell Mechanobiology, 2020 Biophysical Society Meeting Abstract, Biophysical Journal 118 (3), 154a
LP Dow, L Engel, MA Garcia, E Sadeghipour, BL Pruitt, High Resolution Imaging of Cytoskeletal Response to Epithelial Mid-Plane Shear, 2020 Biophysical Society Meeting Abstract
A Eguchi, AC Chang, G Pardon, BL Pruitt, D Bernstein, HM Blau, Role of Telomere Dysfunction in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Cardiomyopathy, 2019 AHA BCVS Meeting abstract, Circulation Research 125 (Suppl_1), A477-A477
A Schroer, G Jung, K Kooiker, A Adhikari, S Linda, L Chao, K Ruppel, S Wu, BL Pruitt, J Spudich, D Bernstein, Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Mutations With Opposite Effects on [latin sharp s]-myosin Biomechanics Show Similar Structural and Biomechanical Phenotypes in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Derived Cardiomyocytes (hipsc-cms), 2019 AHA BCVS Meeting abstract, CIRCULATION RESEARCH, 2019
LP Dow, L Engel, MA. Garcia, E Sadeghipour, BL. Pruitt. Utilizing a MEMS Platform for Characterizing Epithelium Response to Shear, 2019 BMES Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (October 16-19, 2019).
BL Pruitt, Invited Speaker: Mechanobiology of Engineered Hipsc Cardiomyocytes, 2019 Biophysical Society Meeting, Biophysical Journal 116 (3), 162a
A Lay, C Siefe, S Fischer, R Mehlenbacher, A Das, A Nekimken, F Ke, W Mao, B Pruitt, B Cohen, P Alivisatos, M Goodman, J Dionne, Mechanosensitive upconverting nanoparticles for visualizing mechanical forces in vivo, 2018 American Chemical Society Meeting Abstract
A Schroer, K Kooiker, A Adhikari, K Ruppel, D Bernstein, J Spudich, BL Pruitt, Mechanobiology of Myosin Mutations and Myofibril Remodeling in iPSC-Cardiomyocytes, 2018 Biophysical Society Meeting Abstract, Biophysical Journal 114 (3), 496a-497a
S Fechner, F Loizeau, AL Nekimken, I D'Alessandro, BL Pruitt, MB Goodman, Characterization of DEGT-1: A DEG/ENaC/ASIC Ion Channel Subunit Involved in Touch Sensation, 2018 Biophysical Society Meeting Abstract, Biophysical Journal 114 (3), 157a
PA Gross, E Sadeghipour, TF Jaramillo, BL Pruitt, A Micro-Fabricated Electrochemical Gas Sensor for VOCs Detection, AIChE Annual Meeting, 2017
P.A. Gross, E. Sadeghipour, T.F. Jaramillo and B.L. Pruitt, "Cyclic Voltammetry Based Gas Sensor", SystemX Alliance Affiliates Meeting, Stanford, Nov. 2017.
P.A. Gross, E. Sadeghipour, T.F. Jaramillo and B.L. Pruitt, "A Micro-Fabricated Electrochemical Gas Sensor", Natural Gas Initiative (NGI) at Stanford Affiliates Meeting, Stanford, Nov. 2017.
E. Sadeghipour*, M.A. Garcia*, W.J. Nelson, B.L. Pruitt, "In-plane Shear Strain Induces Oscillatory Epithelial Reorganization," Biophysical Society 61st Annual Meeting (BPS 2017), New Orleans, LA, February 2017.
M.A. Garcia*, E. Sadeghipour*, W.J. Nelson, B.L. Pruitt, "In-plane Shear Strain Induces Oscillatory Epithelial Reorganization," Directed Cell Migration Gordon Research Conference 2017, Galveston, TX, January 2017.
J. Moeller*, A.K. Denisin*, J.Y. Sim, R.E. Wilson, A.J.S. Ribeiro, B.L. Pruitt.“Efficient protein patterning of polyacrylamide hydrogels using photoresist lift-off.” American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 3-7, 2016. *authors contributed equally.
M.A.Garcia*, E. Sadeghipour*, W.J. Nelson, B.L. Pruitt, "In-plane Shear Strain Induces Coordinated Migration and Harmonic Epithelial Reorganization," The American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA, December 2016.
A. L. Nekimken, E. A. Mazzochette, M. B. Goodman, B. L. Pruitt, "The Force of Touch: How Gentle is the Classical Gentle Touch Assay?," the 20th International C. elegans Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, June 2015
F. Loizeau, S. Fechner, E. A. Mazzochette, A. L. Nekimken, A. Sanzeni, M. Vergassola, M. B. Goodman, B. L. Pruitt, "Probing the Viscoelasticity of the C. elegans Body", the 20th International C. elegans Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, June 2015
T. Larsen, J.C. Doll, F. Loizeau, N. Hosseini, G. Fantner, and B.L. Pruitt, ". "25x Rise Time Reduction in Thermal Acuation Enabled by the Use of Pre-Shaped Input Signals." NMC2015, Auckland, NZ, July, 2015.
E. Sadeghipour*, M.A. Garcia*, W.J. Nelson, B.L. Pruitt, "Moving Beyond Tension: Epithelium Reorganization in Response to Shear Stress," The American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting 2015, San Diego, CA, December 2015.
J.Y. Sim, J. Moeller, A. R. Dunn, W. I. Weis, W. J. Nelson, B. L. Pruitt, "Balancing forces in cell pairs," the 7th World Congress of Biomechanics conference (WCB 2014), Boston, MA, July 2014
J. Moeller, J. Sim, R. E. Wilson, W. I. Weis, A. R. Dunn, W. Nelson, B. L. Pruitt, "Application of a Microfabricated Transwell Chamber with Integrated PDMS Micropost Arrays to Study the Mechanobiology During Transepithelial Migration of Leukocytes," the 7th World Congress of Biomechanics conference (WCB 2014), Boston, MA, July 2014
C. Buckley, J. Tan, B. Pruitt, W. Weis, W. Nelson, A. Dunn, "Force regulation of interactions between the E-cadherin-catenin complex and actin filaments," the 7th World Congress of Biomechanics conference (WCB 2014), Boston, MA, July 2014
B. L. Pruitt, "MicroMetrologies for Quantitative Mechanobiology," the 7th World Congress of Biomechanics conference (WCB 2014), Boston, MA, July 2014
A. J. S. Ribeiro, Y. Ang, A. Denisin, D. Srivastava, B. L. Pruitt, "Elongated cell shapes enhance maturation of iPSC-CMs cultured on polyacrylamide hydrogels: cell structure and biomechanics," the 7th World Congress of Biomechanics conference (WCB 2014), Boston, MA, July 2014
A. K. Denisin, A. J. S. Ribeiro, Y. Ang, D. Srivastava, B. L. Pruitt, " Platforms for Investigating the Regulation of the Shape of Human Cardiomyocytes Differentiated from iPS Cells," the 7th World Congress of Biomechanics conference (WCB 2014), Boston, MA, July 2014.
A. J. S. Ribeiro,Y. Ang, D. Srivastava, B. L. Pruitt, " Induction of Mechanical and Structural Maturity in Single Cardiomyocytes Differentiated from iPSCs," Keystone Symposia Conference – Z4: Stem Cells and Reprogramming, Olympic Valley, CA, April 10 2014.
A. J. S. Ribeiro, K. Zaleta, E.A. Ashley, B.L. Pruitt, " Contractility of neonatal cardiomyocytes is altered with different densities of laminin covalently attached to microposts," the 58th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, San Francisco, CA, February 16 2014.
A. J. S. Ribeiro, K. Zaleta, E.A. Ashley, B.L. Pruitt, " Density and stability of covalently attached laminin to microposts alters the contractility of cardiomyocytes," ASME 3rd Global Congress on Nanoengineering for Medicine and Biology (ASME NEMB 2014), San Francisco, CA, February 2014.
J. Moeller, J.Y. Sim, B.L. Pruitt, "Fabrication of elastic micropost arrays on stretchable membranes integrated in a microfluidic transwell chip for mechanobiological studies of transepithelial migration of leukocytes," ASME 3rd Global Congress on Nanoengineering for Medicine and Biology (ASME NEMB 2014), San Francisco, CA, February 2014.
E. Sadeghipour, B.L. Pruitt, "A MEMS Actuator and Sensor for Understanding Cell-Cell Adhesion," ASME 3rd Global Congress on Nanoengineering for Medicine and Biology (ASME NEMB 2014), San Francisco, CA, February 2014.
J. Moeller*, J.Y. Sim*, B.L. Pruitt, "Fabrication of elastic micropost arrays on stretchable membranes integrated in a microfluidic transwell chip for mechanobiological studies of transepithelial migration of leukocytes," ASME 3rd Global Congress on Nanoengineering for Medicine and Biology (ASME NEMB 2014), San Francisco, CA, February 2014.
E. A. Mazzochette, K.-W. Jung, B. Huynh, M. B. Goodman, B. L. Pruitt "An Imaging System for High Precision Targeting in Touch Sensation Assays of C. elegans," ASME 3rd Global Congress on Nanoengineering for Medicine and Biology (ASME NEMB 2014), San Francisco, CA, February 2014.
A.K. Denisin, A.J.S. Ribeiro, B.L. Pruitt, "Poroelastic Properties of Polyacrylamide Gels Affect Extracellular Matrix Deposition for Spatial Cell Patterning," ASME 3rd Global Congress on Nanoengineering for Medicine and Biology (ASME NEMB 2014), San Francisco, CA, February 2014.
B.L. Pruitt, "Mechanosensation", Interdisciplinary Session: Open Problems in Biology Requiring the Physical Sciences, Annual Meeting of American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB 2013), New Orleans, LA, December 2013.
B.W. Benham-Pyle, B.L. Pruitt, W.J. Nelson, "YAP1 and beta-catenin mediate a proliferative response to stretch in epithelial monolayers", Annual Meeting of American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB 2013), New Orleans, LA, December 2013.
J. Tan, C.D. Buckley, B.L. Pruitt, W.I. Weiss, W.J. Nelson, A.R. Dunn, "Force regulation of interactions between the E-cadherin-catenin complex and actin filaments", Annual Meeting of American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB 2013), New Orleans, LA, December 2013.
A.J.S. Ribeiro, G.C. Higgs, K. Zaleta, E.A. Ashley, B.L. Pruitt,"Biomechanical assessment of single neonatal cardiomyocytes based on maximum velocities during contraction and relaxation," NHLBI Symposium on Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine, NIH, Bethesda, MD, September 25 2013.
E.A. Mazzochette, C. Fang Yen, M.B. Goodman, B.L. Pruitt, "A Real Time Imaging System for Tracking Freely Moving C. elegans in Touch Assays," Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology (MMB 2013), Marina del Rey, CA, April 2013. Winner: Best Poster Award
J. Moeller, J.C. Doll, M.A. Hopcroft, E.A. Mazzochette, K-W. Jung, V. Vogel, B.L. Pruitt, "Real-Time Force Measurement of Cell-Generated Forces During Bacterial Phagocytosis," Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology (MMB 2013), Marina del Rey, CA, April 2013.
G.C. Higgs, A.J.S. Ribeiro, K. Zaleta, E.A. Ashley, B.L. Pruitt, "Inducing variations in the shortening of single cardiomyocytes with localized mechanical stimulation", Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology (MMB 2013), Marina del Rey, CA, April 2013.
R.E. Taylor, C.M. Boyce, M.C. Boyce, and B.L. Pruitt, "Stretchable, conformal microelectrode array fabricated with patterned flex circuit technology (pdf)," Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology (MMB 2013), Marina del Rey, CA, April 2013.
A.H. Mekhdjian, M. Morimatsu, N. Borghi, B.L Pruitt, W.I. Weiss, W.J. Nelson, A.R. Dunn, "Characterization of the Biophysical Origins of Mechanical Homeostasis at Cellular Adhesions," 57th Annual Biophysical Society Meeting (BPS 2013), Philadelphia, PA, February 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2012.11.2708
C.D. Buckley, J. Tan, B.L Pruitt, W.I. Weiss, W.J. Nelson, A.R. Dunn, "Single-Moelcule Recreation of the Cadherin/Catenin/Actin Complex," 57th Annual Biophysical Society Meeting (BPS 2013), Philadelphia, PA, February 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2012.11.2706
J.Y. Sim, N. Borghi, K. Kim, C.S. Simmons, A.J.S. Ribeiro and B.L. Pruitt, " Changes in Cell Traction Forces in Response to Uniaxial Loading," International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering, Toulouse, France, September 2012.
A.J.S. Ribeiro, A.J. Rastegar, K. Zaleta, E.A. Ashley, B.L. Pruitt, "Covalent Attachment of Bioactive Molecules to PDMS for Cardiomyocyte Adhesion", presented at Gordon Research Conferences: Biointerface Science, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, May 20-25, 2012 (award for best poster from a postdoctoral scholar - 15 minute talk was given)
B.C. Petzold, S.-J. Park, M.B. Goodman, and B.L. Pruitt, "Body mechanics regulate the force threshold for gentle touch sensation in the nematode C. elegans", presented at Biophysics 2012, San Diego, CA, USA, February 25-29, 2012. (~ 10% oral presentation acceptance rate).
J.C Doll, A. Peng, A. Ricci, and B.L. Pruitt, "New devices for investigating hair cell mechanical properties", Mechanics of Hearing workshop, July 2011.
B.C. Petzold, S.-J. Park, P. Ponce, C. Roozeboom, C. Powell, M.B. Goodman, and B.L. Pruitt, "Influence of body mechanics on force thresholds for touch sensation in C. elegans", 18th International C. elegans Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, June 2011.
A.L. Eastwood, B.C. Petzold, S.-J. Park, B.L. Pruitt, and M.B. Goodman, "The functional importance of the MEC-4 transmembrane domain in force activation of the channel", 18th International C. elegans Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, June 2011.
N. Harjee, A. Haemmerli, M. König, D. Goldhaber-Gordon, and B.L. Pruitt, "Self-sensing, coaxial-tip piezoresistive probes for scanning gate and microwave microscopy," International Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensing, Dublin, Ireland, May 2011.
J. Sim, C. Simmons, P. Baechtold, N. Borghi, and B. L. Pruitt, "Parametric Analysis of Cyclic Strain Effects on Cell-cell Adhesions," presented at Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, October 6–9, 2010.
G. Higgs, C. Simmons, A. Fried, B.L. Pruitt, "Novel MEMS System for Calibrating Traction Force Substrates for Cell Culture," presented at 6th World Congress of Biomechanics, Singapore, August 1-6, 2010.
S.-J. Park, B. Petzold, J. Fung, M. Goodman, B.L. Pruitt, "Microcantilever Force-Clamp and Optogenetics to Evaluate the Role of Body Mechanics in C. elegans Touch Sensation," presented at 6th World Congress of Biomechanics, Singapore, August 1-6, 2010.
C. Chung, J.-Y. Sim, S. Heilshorn, B.L. Pruitt, "Development of 3-dimesional Test Beds to Investigate Cell Matrix Interactions in vitro," presented at 6th World Congress of Biomechanics, Singapore, August 1-6, 2010.
R.E. Taylor, K. Kim, B.L. Pruitt, "Cardiomyocyte Suspension Bridges: First Measurements of Axial Force-Generation in Single Immature Heart Cells," presented at 6th World Congress of Biomechanics, Singapore, August 1-6, 2010.
B.L. Pruitt, R. Taylor, C. Simmmons, J.-Y. Sim, G. Higgs, C. Chung, K. Kim, "Micromechanical Environments for Imaging Mechanobiology," presented at 6th World Congress of Biomechanics, Singapore, August 1-6, 2010.
J.C. Doll and B.L. Pruitt, "Design of Piezoresistive vs Piezoelectric Contact Mode Scanning Probes," presented at the Solid State Sensors and Actuators Workshop, Hilton Head, June, 2010.
K. Kim, J.-Y. Sim, D. Bernstein, and B.L. Pruitt, "Calibrated Micropost Arrays for High Throughput Biomechanical Characterization of Cardiomyocytes," presented at Biophysics 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 20-24, 2010.
B.C. Petzold, S.-J. Park, P. Ponce, M.B. Goodman, and B.L. Pruitt, "The Contribution of Body Wall Muscles to C. Elegans Body Mechanics Determined Using Piezoresistive Microcantilevers," presented at Biophysics 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 20-24, 2010.
S.-J. Park, B.C. Petzold, J. Fung, B.L. Pruitt and M.B. Goodman, "Behavioral Thresholds for Force-sensation Determined by an Integrated Video Tracking and Force-clamp System," presented at Biophysics 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 20-24, 2010.
Jennifer Blundo, Oscar Abilez, Feng Cao, Chris Zarins, Joseph Wu, Beth Pruitt, Molecular Imaging of Cardiac Constructs Derived from Human Embryonic Stem Cell" presented at the AIChE SBE International Conference on Stem Cell Engineering, Coronado Island, CA, 2008.
J.R. Mallon, Jr., A. Rastegar, A.A. Barlian, and B.L. Pruitt, "Stable, temperature-compensated, very low-noise, longitudinal-transverse, piezoresistive full-bridge microcantilevers" presented at the International Workshop of Nanomechanical Sensors, Montreal, May 27-30, 2007.
S.-J. Park, M.B. Goodman, and B.L. Pruitt, "Mechanical Properties of Wild Type and Mutant Caenorhabditis Elegans using a Closed Loop Piezoresistive Cantilever Indentation System," presented at the MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2006.
J.T. Blundo, O.J. Abilez, C.K. Zarins, J.C. Wu, and B.L. Pruitt, "Design of BioMEMS device for electromechanical stimulation of hESC," presented at the Gordon Research Conference in MEMS Technology and Biomedical Applications, New London, CT, June 26, 2006.
M.A. Beasley, X. Zhuang, A. Nikoozadeh, B.T. Khuri-Yakub, and B.L. Pruitt, "A Biocompatible Coating for Capactive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers," presented at the MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2006.
O.J. Abilez, F. Cao, J.T. Blundo, J.C. Wu, B.L. Pruitt, and C.K. Zarins, "Development of an Imaging System for On-Line Assessment of Human Embryonic Stem-Cell Derived Cardiomyocytes," presented at the California Tissue Engineering Meeting, sept 15-16, 2006.
E.T. Hantsoo, Y. Zhao, V. Chial, K. Chan, K. Wu, K.A. Rose, and B.L. Pruitt, "Characterization of modified polymers for high elongation strain sensing," presented at the MRS 2005 Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2005.
A.A. Barlian, M.H. Badi, V.Mukundan, S.-J. Park, A.A. Davenport, and B.L. Pruitt, "presentation: Piezoresistive MEMS Underwater Shear Stress Sensor," presented at the Solid State Sensors and Actuators Workshop, Hilton Head, June, 2004.
B.L. Pruitt, W.-T. Park, D.-H. Choi, W.D. Nix, and T.W. Kenny, "Low Force Contact Resistance Measurements of Thin Film Gold Using Micromachined Piezoresistive Cantilevers," presented at the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, 2001.
Other Publications
Technical Reports M. Suggs, A. Barlian, N. Harjee, and B.L. Pruitt, "Characterization of the DRIE Process for ETWI for Piezoresistive Inertial Sensors", NNIN REU Research Accomplishments, pp. 88-89, Summer, 2007. Associatedpresentation, recognition, and photo.
Lab Overview Slides as of Nov. 2009
In the News
SOE engineering news, Apr 10 2015, Beth Pruitt elected a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Stanford Report, Dec 3 2013, Stanford Bio-X researchers develop new technology to study hearing
Stanford Report, August 1, 2012 Stanford researchers dive into the mechancial aspects of living cells
gender news, Tuesday, August 10, 2010 Beth Pruitt announced as 2010 Denice Denton Award winner
SWE magazine (pdf), University Labs, Fall 2009. pp. 48-53
Stanford Report, October 17, 2007, Multidisciplinary team gets $2 million
OTL, Stanford Technology Brainstorm, 2005 Reach Out and Touch Some Worm
Stanford Report, May 28, 2003, 22 research projects win OTL funding