
Graduated PhD Students
Degree from UCSB
- Kerry V. Lane, Mechanical Engineering PhD September 2023, Engineered Platforms to Investigate Effects of Cell-Cell and 3D Adhesions on Structural and Functional Maturity of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs). Currently a postdoc at Cal Poly.
- Liam P. Dow, Biomolecular Science & Engineering PhD December 2023, Reduced-ordered in vitro models to study mechanical signaling through cell-cell contacts. Biomaterials Engineer at Reel Foods.
- Orlando Chirikian, Biomolecular Science & Engineering PhD 2024, In Vitro Systems to Investigate the Role of Extracellular and Intracellular Mechanics on hiPSC-derived Cardiomyocyte Health and Function. Currently a postdoc at Caltech.
Degree from Stanford
- Kristina Lamers, ME PhD September 2008, Design Methodologies for MEMS - co-advisor Kos Ishii. Currently at Akustica-Bosch, Inc.
- Alvin Barlian, ME PhD March 2009, Microfabricated piezoresistive shear stress sensors for underwater applications. Currently at Apple, Inc.
- Sung-Jin Park, ME PhD June 2009, Development of Piezoresistive MicroCantilever Based Force Feedback System for Analysis of Mechanosensation in C. elegans. Currently Assistant Professor, Emory-Georgia Tech Bioengineering
- Vikram Mukandan, ME PhD August 2009, Electrostatic Actuators in Ionic Media for Applications in Cell Mechanics. Currently at Frore Systems
- Nahid Harjee, EE PhD August 2011, Coaxial-tip Piezoresistive Cantilever Probes for High-Resolution Scanning Gate Microscopy. Currently at Apple, Inc.
- Joseph Doll, ME PhD June 2012, MEMS Force Probes for Mechanobiology at the Microsecond Scale. Currently independent technology consultant.
- Bryan Petzold, ME PhD January 2013, The Role of Body Mechanics in Touch Sensation in the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Currently at McKinsey & Co.
- Rebecca Taylor, ME PhD April 2013, Microfabricated Tools for Functional Assessment of Immature Cardiomyocytes. Currently an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University
- Chelsey Simmons, ME PhD June 2013, Microsystems and mechanical characterization of myocyte connections. Currently a MedTech Consultant at Bain & Company, Atlanta, GA.
- Gadryn Higgs, ME PhD August 2013, Microsystems for Studying Single Heart Cell Mechanobiology. Currently senior product manager at YouTube
- Ali Rastegar, ME PhD March 2014, Nanomechanical actuation using molecular forces of amino azo dye. Self-employed consultant.
- Joo Yong Sim, ME PhD January 2015, Microsystems to Study the Mechanobiology of Cell Adhesion.Currently an Assistant ProfessorAssistant Professor, Sookmyung Women's University, Korea.
- Clifton Roozeboom, ME PhD September 2015, Multifunctional Integrated Sensors for Wireless Sensor Network Applications. Founder and CEO of Myriad Sensor, Inc.
- Ehsan Sadeghipour, ME PhD March 2015, A MEMS Actuator and Sensor for the Study of Cell Mechanics and Adhesion. Now at Sutter Hill Ventures, Palo Alto.
- Eileen Mazzochette, EE PhD June 2016, An Integrated and Automated System for Assaying Touch Sensation in Freely Moving C. elegans. Currently at Apple, Inc.
- Aleksandra Denisin, BioE PhD June 2018, Controlling the Microenvironment to Investigate Single Cell Mechanobiology, Adhesion, and Function. Now Manager of Technology Development Engineering at Guardant Health.
- Miguel Garcia, Biology PhD 2018, A mechanics-based approach to understanding the epithelial response to shear force, currently a Neurobiology postdoc at Stanford
- Ohi Dibua, ME PhD 2018, co-mentored with Gianlucca Iaccorino and Ali Mani, Modeling MEMS electrostatic actuators in ionic solutions, currently machine learning research engineer at Adobe.
- Robin Wilson, ME PhD 2019, Engineering and analysis of 2.5D single cell iPSC-CM models, currently a Product Analyst at 3M.
- Adam Nekemkin, ME PhD 2019, Understanding the sense of touch, currently at Inscripta
- Joy Franco, ME PhD 2021, Mechanobiology of Touch Receptor Neurons, currently a post-doc at Harvard
- Erica Castillo, ME PhD 2021, Matrix interactions with iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes models, recently completed extra year post-doc in Pruitt lab finishing papers.
Postdocs and Senior Researchers
- Dr. James Norman, February 2007 - January 2009. Contractility studies in healthy and hypertrophic murine models, co-mentor Dr. Dan Bernstein, Pediatric Cardiologist. Currently an Account Director at SmartLabs, Belmont, MA.
- Dr. Keekyoung Kim, January 2009 - July 2010, Microplatforms for contractility studies, atomic force microscopy, and image processing to study healthy and hypertrophic murine models, co-mentor Dr. Dan Bernstein, Pediatric Cardiologist. Currently faculty at University of Calgary.
- Dr. Ginel Hill, February 2009 - Dec. 2010, Cantilever design for magnetic resonance force microscopy, co-mentor Dr. Dan Rugar at IBM Almaden. Currently at SiTime, Inc.
- Dr. Sung-Jin Park, July 2009 - Dec. 2010, Force clamp systems for analysis of mechanosensation in C. elegans. Currently postdoc at Harvard-MIT HST.
- Dr. Yingning Gao, August 2010 – July 2011. Azobenzene chemical functionalization for chemical sensors. Currently a technology consultant at CARDEA.
- Dr. Cindy Chung, October 2009 – August 2012. 3D cell culture scaffolds with mechanical stimulation. Co-mentor Dr. Sarah Heilshorn in Materials Science and Engineering. Currently a senior scientist at Serán Bioscience, Bend, OR.
- Dr. Nicolas Borghi, 2007- August 2012. Mechanobiology of cell adhesion. Co-mentor Dr. W. James Nelson in Biology. Currently a CNRS group head at Institut Jacques Monod in Paris, France.
- Dr. Alexandre Ribeiro, March 2011-December 2016. Mechanobiology of stem cell-derived cardiomyocyte disease models. Currently staff scientist at Hovione.
- Dr. Wendy Altman, June 2012 - June 2014. The role of mechanical environments in cardiomyocyte development and force transduction. Currently at IMT
- Dr. Jens Moeller, February 2013 – March 2015. Mechanobiology of cell-cell contacts. Currently group head at ETH Zurich.
- Dr. Tom Larsen, March 2013- June 2015. High-speed sensors and actuators for hair cell mechanotransduction. Currently Postdoc at EPFL Microtechnology group.
- Dr. Frederic Loizeau, May 2014 – December 2015. Understanding the sense of touch. Currently a Business & Technology Development Manager at CSEM, Switzerland.
- Dr. Mahdokht Masaeli, October 2015 – November 2017, Sorting hiPSC-CM for size correlations with phenotype and genotype, T32 funded, co-mentored with Euan Ashley. Co-founder and CEO of Deepcell, Inc.
- Dr. Pierre-Alexandre Gross, March 2015 – August 2018. Nanomaterials and Functionalization for Chemical Sensors. France-German DSG Fellowship, Natural Gas Initiative Funding. Physical Chemist at Advanced Energy.
- Dr. Ehsan Sadeghipour, November 2016 – December 2018, Cell-cell adhesion and mechanosignaling in shear loading. Now at Sutter Hill Ventures, Palo Alto.
- Dr. Leeya Engel, November 2016 – December 2018, Reorganization of cytoskeleton and mechanical signaling at cell-cell adhesions under shear, now Assistant Professor at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.
co-mentored during lab transition Stanford to UCSB
- Dr. Gaspard Pardon, September 2016 – December 2018, High throughput platforms for correlated functional and genomic analysis of hiPSC-CMs, Primary mentee 2017-2018, after lab moved, became jointly mentored with Helen Blau. Now a research center leader at AGORA, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Dr. Alison Schroer, January 2017 – December 2022, The role of myosin mutations in cell level contractility and sarcomerogensis. Primary mentee 2017-2018, after lab moved, became jointly mentored with Jim Spudich and Dan Bernstein at Stanford. Now faculty at University of Michigan.
- Dr. Anna Kim, April 2017- December 2021, Mechanobiology of stem cell renewal in Drosophila midgut. Co-mentor Lucy O'Brien. Now a Biocompatibility Specialist @ BK Medical, Copenhagen.
- Dr. Yair Kaufman - Project Scientist, AFM of Neurons to study Traumatic Brain Injury, 01/19-04/20. Now a Scientist II at TeraPore Technologies.
- Dr. Cheavar Blair, November 2017 – November 2022, Single cell hiPSC-CM models of cardiotoxicity, now a Research Assistant Professor at University of Kentucky.
- Dr. Erica Castillo, September 2021-September 2022, The role of extracellular matrix in signaling development and disease in cardiomyocytes.
MS researchers
- *Edwin Adhiprakasha, MS MSE 2004, MS thesis option in MSE
- Sara Shaughnessy, MS ME 2004
- *Vanessa Chial, MS ME 2005
- *Andrew Davenport, MS ME 2005
- *Sara Zhao, MS ME 2005
- *Matt Beasley, MS EE 2006
- *Jessica Straalsund, MS ME 2006
- *Sarah Coulthard-Bettencourt, MS ME 2006
- *Jennifer Blundo, (9/05-12/08), PhD ME 2010
- *Gretchen Chua, MS ME 2007
- Tony Pettes, MS ME 2007
- *Jeff Li, MS ME 2007
- *Joseph Mallon, MS EE, 9/07- 6/10
- *Niveditha Arumugam, MS ME 2008
- *Tracy Fung, MS EE, 2008
- Yun Seog Lee, MS ME 2008
- *Alex Haemmerli, MS microtechnology EPFL 2008
- *Shivonne Haniff, MS ME 2009
- *Pierre Ponce, MS EE 2010
- *Elizabeth Martin, MSME 2012
- Bridget Hill, MSME, 2014
- Josh Dolinsky, MS BMSE, 2021
International Visitors and Masters Project Researchers
- Maria Tenje, Uppsala University Visiting Professor, AY 22-23
- Astrid Olivefors, Uppsala University PhD Student, Spring 2023
- Qian Shi, Uppsala University PhD Student, Spring 2023
- *Frederic Declercq, EPFL MS, 9/04-3/05
- Alexandre Haemmerli, EPFL MS, 6/08-12/08
- *Philipp Baechtold, ETH MS, 12/08-6/08
- Jonas Schondube, ETH MS, 11/09-4/10
- Andrea Cabral, EPFL MS, 3/10-7/10
- *Rune Nielsen, DTU MS, 3/10-12/10
- Mattias Rudt, ETH MS, 4/12-10/12
- Mirjam Bachler, ETH MS, 4/13-6/13
- Olivier Schwab, ETH MS, 6/14-12/14
- Florian Bienefelt, EPFL MS, 9/15-1/16
- Lynn Lin, U Taiwan MS, 10/15-4/16
- Joan Taxidor, EPFL MS, 10/15-3/16
- Anna Kim, Upsalla PhD, 03/16-04/16
- Danahe Mohammed, UMONS PhD, 02/19-05/19
Graduate Rotation and Short-term Project Researchers
- Paritosh Ambekar, ME, 9/03-6/04
- Yang-Ren Rau, ChE, 6/05-9/05
- Amy Lee, ME, 6/05-8/05
- *Paul Lim, EE, 6/05-8/06
- Asha-Dee Celestine, Aero 4/06-12/06
- Sujay Ramachandra, 6/06-09/06
- *Heather Chiamori, 6/05-3/06
- Nathan Ng, 4/07-06/07
- *Holly Butterfield, 6/07-12/07
- *Andrew Fried, 6/09-12/09
- Yatian Qu, ME, 9/10-3/11
- *Alex Gonzalez, 9/10-12/10
- *Jian Fung, Biophysics rotation, 1/10-3/10
- Kevin Dalton, Biophysics rotation, 1/11-3/11
- Ki Wook Jung, ME Graduate Research, 09/11-06/14
- *Ohi Dibua, ME rotation, 1/13-4/13
- Andrew Kennard, Biophysics rotation, 4/15-6/15
- Alice Stanton, Bioengineering rotation, 4/16-6/16
- Olivia Konttinen, BMSE rotation, Spr 2019
- Lourdes Velazquez, BMSE rotation, Spr 2019
- Erik Hopkins, MCDB rotation, Win 2019
- Yofi Wyle, BMSE rotation, Fall 2019
- Rob Piscopio, BMSE , Win 2020
- *Gabriela Villalpando Torres, ME, Summer-Fall 2020
- Daniella Walter, ME, Winter 2022
- Miguel Sanchez Lozano, ME , Spring 2022
- Emily Gemmill, BMSE, Spring 2023
BS undergraduate researchers (* co-author on publication/abstract)
- *Eerik Hantsoo, 1/04-6/05, MIT PhD
- Malcolm Murdock, 1/04-4/04
- *Caitlin Quance, 4/04-8/04
- Wagahta Semeere, 4/04-6/05
- Mela Johnson, 06/06-8/06 (3D REU from GaTech)
- Cha Edwards, 6/04-9/04
- *Ratul Narain, 1/05-9/05
- *Jared Brown, 1/05-9/05
- Jenna Perez, 6/05-8/05
- *Ambert Ho, 6/05-8/5
- *Jeff Li, 6/05-4/07
- *Mariana Meyer, 2/06-6/2007, UMD PhD
- *Josh Stark, 2/06-9/2006
- Jennifer Walz, 6/06-8/06 (AMGEN REU from CCNY), PhD Columbia
- Jessica Schlichting, 6/07-8/07 (NSF REU from UWyoming)
- Natasha Prats, 4/07-9/07
- Nandita Sriram, 4/07-8/07
- Maria Suggs, 6/07-4/09 & 5/08-8/08 (NSF REU from Southern Methodist University), PhD student UCB
- Erin Dizon, 6/07-9/07
- *Subanhu Samarajiva, 1/08-6/09
- Purnima Ghale, 7/08-9/08
- Indu Premakumar, 4/08-8/09
- Rudy Joly, 6/08-8/08 (REU from Miami Dade College)
- Sanna Ali, 4/09-8/09
- Balaji Chandrasekhar, 04/09-08/09
- *Alexander Gonzalez, 06/09-08/09 (3D REU from UPR Mayguez)
- *Chloe Powell, 06/10-09/10 (SSRP REU from UMichigan)
- Ranjeetha Barath, 06/11-09/11 (NSF REU from MIT), PhD at MIT
- Gabriel Guimte, 06/11-09/11
- Sanjay Saraf, 12/10-6/12
- Sarah Chang, 2/11-9/11 & 6/12-9/12
- Lian Wong, 6/12-8/12 (NSF REU from UC Merced)
- Rachel Hatano, 6/12-8/12 (NSF REU from UC Merced)
- *Fidel Salgado, 6/12-8/12 (NSF REU from Canada Community College)
- David Ayala Lindeman, 4/13-8/13
- *Brian Huynh, 6/13-9/13
- Calista Jerman, 5/13-8/13 (NSF REU from CMU)
- *John Whitworth, 6/14-8/14
- Priyanka Sekhar, 6/14-8/14
- *Veronica Sanchez, 6/15-8/15
- Hera Nalbandian, 6/15-6/16
- *Sheetal Ramsurrun, 4/16-8/16
- Sydney Lance, 4/16-8/16 and 9/17-4/18
- Alicia Lynch (summer intern from UC Davis), 6/18-8/18
- Bradley Oh, 9/2018-5/2019
- *Jeffrey Pham, 9/19-6/22
- Lan-Chi Ho, 2019-2021
- *Amanda Nguyen, 1/20-6/21
- Chrisangela Martin (NSF REU from U Georgia), 6/20-9/20
- *Reagan Kennedy, 6/20-6/21
- Nicole Impastato, 6/20-6/21
- Joseph Campos, 6/20-12/21
- Noor Gill, 06/21-12/21
- *Katya Morozov, 03/21-06/22
- Zach Singh, 3/21-12/22
- Akhil Prabhavalkar, 3/21-6/23
- Janae Gayle, 6/21-6/23
- Chris Muray, 6/21-12/22
- Carina Yuen, 6/21-09/22
- Sisi Morris-Gavrieli, 9/21-06/22
- Stacey Surace, 1/22-6/23
- Kyle Kunisaki, 09/22-6/23
RET – Summer Research Experience for Teachers, K12 teachers
- Aaron Keller, summer ‘04 and summer ‘05
- Laura Robeck, summer ‘07
- Wei Li, summer ‘08 and summer ‘09
- Joanne Knecht, summer ‘09
- Michael Patterson, summer ‘10 and ‘11
HS student researchers
- Maxwell Taylor, TFM code analysis, Summer 2012
- Samir Hossainy, Junior Moreau Catholic HS, inkjet printing protein, Summer 2013
- Roberto Bolli, Jr., automated microscopy software, Summer 2015
- Varsha Raju, remote microscopy data analysis of cell structure, 2021-2022